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Positive bias of self perception refers to the individual tend to make positive evaluation in the process of understanding and evaluation of their own.Although its great role in social adjustment, sometimes it may make us underestimate the dangers of real situation and prevent us from taking evasive action properly. Young Children always appraise themselves positively who lack of ablities to take others' perspective,so their sound personality will be destroyed by inappropriate self-perception. To young children, teachers become an authority who have an important effect for children's development. When teachers have high expectations to believe students' competence to learn, in turn children will be sure of their own capacity. In this case, high expectations could affect teachers behaviors and attitude to children and teacher-child relationship for children growth. This research presumably teacher-child relationship mediated the effect of teachers expectations on positive bias of self perception among young children. Moreover, the findings will be benefit to search for great way to develop young children's sound personality. To explore the relation between teacher expectations and positive bias of self perception, particularly investigating the mediating effects of teacher-child relationship, the scales for teacher expectations, positive bias of self perception and teacher- child relationship were performed and 400 preschool children aged 4-6 took part in the investigation. The results showed: Preschool children's positive bias of self perception could be negative predicted by the teacher expectations. Teacher-child relationship had mediating effects in the influence of teacher expectations on positive bias of self perception. In other words,teacher expectations not only directly influence on positive bias of self perception, but also indirectly influence on positive bias of self perception through the mediating effect of teacher relationship.