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With the rapid development of internet and technology of communication internet has been world widely used,and people begin to step into a era in which internet is necessarily needed in our life.Internet now is expanding to every comer and field of the society at a rapid speed. University,which is a sensitive ment of internet culture,on one hand,is fiercely changing the manners of thinking,studying and viewpoints of the university students;on the other hand,is bringing conflicts and challenges to their traditional campus cultute and the methods for the sudents' moral education.
    The younth,especially the university students,as the sensitive group to new stuff,are the majority who use internet.However,the group of only-child,who is the majority of the students,has the character of the era.Thus,they are widely and deeply influenced by internet culture on political views,opinion about value,moral verdict,realisation of law,methods of thinking,views about culture,models of behaviour and psycology. In this research,we focus on moral,educational characters and countermeasures for the group of only-child who are living under the background of internet culture.Apart from basing on this,we also analyse the characters of the group,according to the inner meaning and effect of internet culture and the chances as well as the challenges for the moral education for this special group.This research provides theoretical basis for college and university authorities who want to get somewhere on the creation and improvement of the students' moral education under a new background.
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