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  • 英文题名:"BiDc" and the Painting of Song Dynasty
  • 作者:张琳
  • 论文级别:硕士
  • 学科专业名称:文艺学
  • 学位年度:2003
  • 导师:张月
  • 学科代码:050101
  • 学位授予单位:郑州大学
  • 论文提交日期:2003-10-01
Chinese painting is an art ,which has a deep-rooted tradition and a unique style. During the song dynasty ,Chinese painting matured and entered into its foil bloom, And more over, The theory of Chinese painting had been completed .
    In this article ,1 introduce an aesthetic conception-BiDe into Chinese painting theory .BiDe is an important conception in ancient Chinese aesthetics .In the earlier Qin dynasty ,The Chinese Ruist school said : The Broad-minded like mountains while The Wise like water .This doctrine transmitted the special property in society into human life and human society .On the other hand . the Chinese Daoist school said: The perfect kind like water and The high morality like valley, the ultimate aim of these two theory is different-one is going to serve society and the other is Irving to be close to the nature. But there are some overlapping sections in their process of the uniting the human and the nature.
    During the Wei, jin, the Northern and Southern Dynasties periods, Bide came into Chinese painting the first time. It was the person commenting prevailing for a time enlightened artists, when drawing a portrait for Xiekun, the famous painter -Gukaizhi drew mountains and valleys behind him .Here the mountains and valleys was not the simply scene as person's background but a conceal metaphor. This picture symbolized the Bide come into Chinese painting. It made Chinese painting develop a new style by emphasizing artistic, abstract expression.
    After comming into Chinese painting. Bide reflected Chinese painting very deeply. The Tang and Song dvnast saw the zenith of
    portraits, landscapes, flowers and birds. In Song dynast the paintings of landscapes entered into its full bloom instead of ' paintings of portraits.
    During the Northern and Southern Song period , the Imperial Art Academy prevailed for a time . the Northern Song Art Academy favored a meticulous and exquisite realistic style . paintings of flowers and birds was coming prosperous The theory of Life and Reason of Song dynast is a fuse of Ruist and Daoist . So in the development of flowers and birds paintings ,plum blossoms, orchids, bamboo and chrysanthemum were the symbols of a lofty and strong personality and became permanent subject.
    Literati painting rose to prominence in the Song dynasty .Literati painting stresses a subjective approach to nature through the use of brush stoke and poetic mood. Numbers of painting theory works reflected that more and more artists having take literati theory as their drawing standard.
1 《管子·水池》
    2、3 《论语·子罕》
    4 《论语·为政》
    5 《论语·雍也》
    6、7 刘向 《说苑·杂言》
    8 《美的历程》之《华夏美学》第二章第三节
    9 见何新《“道德”诂义 再释德》,载《诸神的起源》 P308—310三联书店 1986
    10 《老子》第八章
    11 《庄子·田子方》
    12 在《论语·先进》中,曾点述其志“暮春者,春服既成,冠者五六人,童子六七人,浴乎沂风乎舞雩,咏而归。”孔子感叹着表示“吾与点也。”
    13、14 《世说新语·赏誉》
    15、16 《世说新语·容止》
    17 《林泉高致·山水训》
    18 《中国艺术精神》P279 徐复观 春风文艺出版社 1987
    19 《大学或问·卷三》
    20 《道家文化研究》八P313 上海古籍出版社 1995
    21 《中国画论类编》P47 《净因院画记》
    22 《苏东坡集》卷三十一
    23 《中国美术名作欣赏》 P90 上海人民出版社 1988
    24 《宋文宪公全集》卷三
    25 清代 查礼《画梅题跋》 见《中国画论辑要》 江苏美术出版社 1997
    26、27 见《中华文化史》 P634 上海人民出版社 1996
    28 李泽厚 《美的历程》 P169
    29 《宣和画谱·花鸟叙论》
    30 《次韵吴传正<枯木歌>?
    31 《画继》卷一
    32 《宣和画谱》 卷十八
    33 郭若虚 《图画见闻志》 卷十四
    34 《宣和画谱》 卷十九
    35 《图画见闻志》 卷四
    36 刘道醇 《圣朝名画评》 卷三
    37 见《中国画论类编》 P676
    38、41 《图画见闻志》 卷一
    39、40 《宣和画谱》 卷十一
    42 王维 《偶然作》六首之六“宿世谬词客,前身应画师,不能舍余习,偶被世人知。”
    43 《启功从稿》 P288—P289,《坚净居艺谈·米芾画》
    44 缩印本,四川辞书出版社 1996 P707
    45 《老子》十一章
    46 《苏东坡集》卷三《孙莘老求墨妙亭诗》
    47 苏辙《墨竹赋》
    48 《山谷题跋》卷八
    49 《图画见闻志》卷三
    50 《宣和画谱》卷七
    51 《左传·宣公三年》
    52 《中国画论类编》 P62
    53 邓椿主要活动在北宋末年到南宋孝宗、光宗二帝之间。
    54 《画史丛书》/2《画继》
    55 岳珂《史》卷二中有“元右间,黄、秦诸子在馆。暇日观画,山谷出李龙眠所作《贤已图》,博弈樗蒲之俦者咸列焉,博者六七人,方据一局,投迸盆中,五皆六而一犹旋转不已,一人俯盆疾呼,旁观者皆变色起立,纤农态度,曲尽其秒。相与叹赏以为卓绝。适东坡从外来,睨之曰:‘李龙眠天下大,顾乃效闽人语耶!’众咸怪,请其教。东坡曰:‘四海语音言六皆合,惟闽音张口,今盘中皆六,—犹未定,法当乎六,而疾呼者乃张口,何也?’龙眠闻之,亦笑而服。”
    56 此处观点吸收了张节末《中国古代审美情感原论》中的观点 《天津社会科学》 98/1 P87—94
    57 李泽厚 《美的历程》之美学四讲 P383
    58 《东坡题跋》卷四上卷《评草书》
    59 《苏诗补注》卷二十三 《郭祥正家醉画竹石壁上作诗为谢且遗古铜剑二》
    60、61 《中国艺术精神》 P43、P206
    62 《宣和画谱》 卷十八
    63 《程氏遗书》 卷四
    64 《画继·论近》 中奖励新进的故事
    65 见《圣朝名画评》 傅文用传
    66 见《图画见闻志》 高怀宝传
    67 《老学庵笔记》
    68 《中国艺术精神》 P412
    69 《中国艺术精神》 P419 《中国画与诗的融合》