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    二 的最大障碍,并指出对主体市场旅游消费行为进行系统研究的重要性和必要性,认为
Domestic tourism is the important symbol which measures the development level of tourism industry and national economy in a country. According to the ratio one by nine of international and domestic tourism income in most countries, the domestic tourism in our country is much lower than normal level. As the main body of domestic tourism market in our country, its whole level is low. Tourist behavior is a special consuming behavior. It is the intrinsic impetus of tourism organized system, which combine the manager and seller with tourists. So, it is valuable we study the domestic tourism consuming behavior of urban resident, which contributes to direct tourist demand and develop domestic tourism in our country.
    On the base of redefining tourism consuming behavior, this thesis tries to make the whole theory more systematic, and to offer theory thinking and means supporting for the development of domestic tourism.
    This thesis includes six sections.
    1. The synthetic narration includes three parts: research setting, contemporary progress of the subject domestic and abroad, and techniques of this field. On the base of clearing the study value of tourist behavior and the research achievement of this field, the author analyses technical route which combines theory and practice together with help from tourism economics, tourism marketing, tourism psychology, social economics etc, and lay much emphasis on the importance of practice and the instructing meaning of paper.
    2. The theory on tourist consuming behavior includes two parts: the analysis of the concept and theory emphasis. On the base of analyzing related concepts, the author defines tourism consuming behavior again from inside and outside aspects. Basic theory expound the theory base of writing the thesis, which study tourist consumption behavior with traditional and consumer behavior theories. On the base of this analysis, the author point out that tourist consuming behavior should be a process including choosing behavior, flow behavior in space, assessment of tourist consuming effect, and consuming characters in the process.
    3. At first, the tourist behavior is a choosing behavior, which includes two parts: the study on factors which influence the choices between tourism consumption and others, and the study on decision on travel destination. On the base of analyzing the factors which influence the decision on domestic tourism of urban resident, the author analyzing the
    induction space about domestic destination of jinan city.
    4. Choosing tourism destination leads to flow in space certainly. The analysis of tourism consuming behavior of urban resident in space includes three parts: analysis methods, flow pattern, and the study on RAS. On the base of analyzing flow pattern in space, combined with the study on urban resident in jinan, the author study the RAS from three standard: large, medium, and small. The author point out the flow in space has four features: the difference between attitude and behavior, limitations in travel space, centralizing in time, then the author point out the demand to destination is not satisfied, which supply the sellers with opportunities.
    5. The study on analysis of domestic tourism consuming demand includes two parts.- the model and features of tourism consumption, and the analysis on domestic tourism consumption demand. On the base of analyzing ideal balanced consumption, the paper study domestic tourism consumption demand quantity and structure, and point out the tourism consumption ability of urban resident is very low.
    6. Considering the previous investigative work, the author bring forward that the inadequate tourism consumption demand is the main factors which restrict domestic tourism. It is important and necessary to study the tourist behavior systematically. The author point out we should direct tourist it from manager (government) seller (tourism enterprise) and tourists, and put forward a lot of advices.
    Different from the study before, this paper redefine th
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