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In the reform of basic curriculum, synthetic study in Chinese first enters the Compulsory Education Curriculum Standard (experiment period), which is a bright shine in the reform of curriculum. However, the research find synthetic study in Chinese doesn’t present its value owing to all kinds of reasons. The ideal curriculum can't transform the "practical curriculum".
     It is necessary to analysis the facts which have effect on synthetic study in the countryside and to research the ways to synthetic study in the countryside.
     The thesis puts emphasis on the present situation of synthetic study during the countryside compulsory education I got the first-hand material by the method of questionnaire, discussion, inspection interview and so on, aiming at finding the way of developing the Chinese synthetic study.
     Its purpose also lies in finding correct facts and direction of developing the Chinese synthetic study. It provides all kinds of strategies for the Chinese teachers in the countryside. Secondly, teachers can't understand the study well.
     This thesis can be divided into four parts. Part one is to introduce the synthetic study on Chinese, in which the concepts, aims, features and categories of it are offered. This part is the theory basis of the following ones. Part 2 is to analysis the necessity and feasibility of the synthetic study on Chinese during the Compulsory Education in the rural areas. Part 3 is to offer the survey over how Liang Shan County carries out the synthetic study on Chinese during the compulsory Education. Besides, it also shows the reason. By analyzing the survey this part describes not only the achievements made during this period but also some problems as follows.
     First, the synthetic study on Chinese starts on its in rural areas of Liang Shan.
     Second, teachers can't understand the study well.
     Third, some teaches don't value the study enough.
     Fourth, teaching facilities and pressures restrict the development of the study.
     Fifth, teaching scientific study is far behind other areas, which is due to the systems, teachers, schools, students, society and theories.
     Part 4 is to put forward some measures according to the present situation of the synthetic study on Chinese in Liang Shan county, which are the following ones. To transform the conventional ideas and heighten our awareness, so that we can base it on the thought.
     To train the teachers ability in synthetic study, improve the Chinese teacher's quality in favor of synthetic study intelligence.
     To work out the rules of synthetic study, for the support of synthetic study in rules.
     To add more bid for education, for the support of synthetic study in material.
     To be led by science research, synthetically study gets support from technology.
     To give the typical instance to put the synthetic study into practice.
     To build the scientific evaluation, make sure the synthetic study develop healthily.
     To base it on the countryside and use proper ways to develop the synthetic study.
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