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Socrates was a Byzantine historian living in the fifth century, and he wrote a book named Ecclesiastical History. In this book, Socrates wrote down many important historical events from the time of ConstantineⅠto the early time of Theodosius II. From the beginning of the fourth century to the first half of the fifth century, the empire took a series of adjustments in the military, political and religious policies in order to face the pressures from outside and inside. As one of the primary sources of this time of history, Ecclesiastical History of Socrates is an important writing which could help us to understand the beginning of the transformation from Roman Empire to the Byzantine Empire. Based on the Ecclesiastical History of Socrates, other historical sources from the fourth century to the fifth century and the research of modern students, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the reconstruction of the military, political and religious orders in the Byzantine Empire from Constantine I to Theodosius II.
     In the history of Rome, the wars had very important influence to the political and social changes of Rome. The military pressure from outside and inside was the imminent problem in the Later Roman Empire or the early time of Byzantine Empire. The eastern part of the empire was governed by the government of Constantinople. At that time, the government of Constantinople carried out the measures to break up the military and political power and to deconcentrate military authority more strictly than the government of the western. Thus the government of Constantinople could enhance the control to the army and prevent the army unrest. In the mean time, the government of Constantinople could use more resources than the resources of the government of the western to enlarge its army and take flexible diplomatic measures. Hence the government of Constantinople could resolve the urgent military crises outside and inside and survive in this hard time of the transition, and at the same time, the government of the western was increasingly miring in the difficulties in the military field.
     In the political field, on the one hand, the government of the eastern empire which made Constantinople as its capital, basically followed the administration system which was provided by the political reforms of Diocletian and Constantine I from the time of Constantine I to TheodosiusⅡ; and on the other hand, gradually, this system and the political order which was represented by this system were confined in the eastern part of the empire which made Constantinople as its capital. In this historical period, although the western region was still a part of the whole empire in name, the differences with the eastern region, such as economy, culture, military and so on, were widened day by day. In fact, the political connection between these two regions was also constantly weakening, and the government of Constantinople could hardly provide the continued and sufficient aids to the western region in time for itself interest and safety. In the end, the achievements of the political reforms of Diocletian and Constantine I were reserved in the eastern region of the Mediterranean Sea controlled by the government of Constantinople, and the western region was removed from this system.
     In the field of the religious life, the Christianity was on the fast track since Constantine I chose to take the policy to support it. In this period, the number of the Christian continuously increased, and the church got the higher social status with each passing day. Gradually, the Christianity was becoming the mainstream religion in the society of the empire, but the non-Christian was also still existed, and there were lots of factions which had different views in the group of the Christian. Competition in the coexistence of various religious group was an important feature at that time. In order to guarantee the social stability, consolidate power and tighten the screws to the religious affairs, the government took the policy which combined the aspects of toleration, restriction and suppression. Although this policy could not to solve the problem by the roots, it indeed brought some temporary results to the stability of social order. And the limited tolerant attitude of the imperial government was also beneficial to the long-term coexistence and communication of the classic traditional culture and Christian thoughts, thus gave a favorable environment for the shaping of the Byzantine culture.
    3关于拜占廷帝国的历史分期,学者之间意见不一。奥斯特洛格尔斯基以324年君士坦丁一世统一帝国到610年福卡斯倒台为早期拜占廷时代((南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜占廷帝国》,笫19页,第62页),希腊学者爱卡特里纳·赫里斯托菲洛布鲁与奥斯特洛格尔斯基持同样观点(Christophilopoulou, Aikaterina. Byzantine History (324-610), Vol. Ⅰ, translated by W. W. Phelps, Amsterdam:Adolf M. Hakkert Publisher,1986, p.24.);陈志强先生认为330-610年间是拜占廷的早期历史阶段(陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,北京:商务印书馆,2003年版,第13页):徐家玲先生认为早期拜占廷历史应界定在324--565年(徐家玲:《早期拜占庭和查士丁尼时代研究》,长春:东北师范大学出版社,1998年版,第12页)。综观各派学者的意见,虽然在早期拜占廷的起始与结束时间上有分歧,但都认为公元4-6世纪是罗马帝国向拜占廷帝国转变的关键时期。此外,关于晚期罗马帝国和晚期古代的研究也与早期拜占廷时期有交叉和重合。现代学者中,晚期罗马帝国研究的代表人物有A.H.M.琼斯,代表作为《晚期罗马帝国(284-602)》(Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602:A Social, Economic, and Administrative Survey, Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1964);晚期古代研究的代表人物为彼得布朗,代表作为《晚期古代的世界(AD150-750)》(Brown, Peter. The World of Late Antiquity AD 150-750, London:Thames and Hudson Ltd.,1971);美国学者埃弗里尔·卡梅伦则就这两个问题分别著有《晚期古代的地中海世界(AD 395-600)》(Cameron, Averil. The Mediterranean World in Late Antiquity AD 395-600, London and New York:Routledge,1993)和《晚期罗马帝国(AD284-430)》(Cameron, Averil. The Later Roman Empire AD 284-430, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1993);中国学者中,叶民先生在其著作中对晚期罗马帝国研究和晚期古代研究的学术史进行了综述(叶民:《最后的古典:阿米安和他笔下的晚期罗马帝国》,天津:天津人民出版社,2004年版,第12-18页)。
    1 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories:Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, Macon: Mercer Universtiy Press,1986, p.204.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, translated by A. C. Zenos, Grand Rapids, Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1957,Ⅵ. Introduction;Ⅶ.48. Ibid.
    4Rufinus,The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia.translated by Philip R.Amidon,S.J..New York·Oxford: Oxford University Press,introduction,p.ⅶ,p.ⅹⅰ.
    5 Ibid.,introduction,p.ⅹ.
    4 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, translated by Chester D. Hartranft, Grand Rapids, Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1957, Introduction, p.222.
    5 Ibid., p.221.
    8 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories:Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, p.175.
    9 Ibid., p.193. note.86.
    10 Ibid., p.176.
    11 Urbainczyk, Theresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, Ann Arbor:University of Michigan Press,1997, Introduction, p.1.
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History, introduction, p. xv.
    2 Ostrogorsky. George. History of the Byzantine state, translated by John Hussey,Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1956, p.6.
    4 Christophilopoulou, Aikaterina. Byzantine History(324-610),Vol.Ⅰ, translated by W. W. Phelps. Amsterdam: Adolf Hakkert Publisher,1986,p.46.
    1关于现存纸草文书收集情况和研究现状更详细的介绍,参见Christophilopoulou, Aikaterina. Byzantine History (324-610), Vol. Ⅰ, pp.33-36.
    2 Ibid., pp.33-36.
    4参见Bury, J. B. "The Notitia Dignitatum", The Journal of Roman studies,1920, Vol.10, pp.131-154.; Salisbury, F. S. "On the date of the Notitia Dignitatum", The Journal of Roman studies,1927, Vol.17. pp.102-106.; Salisbury, F. S. "The Notitia Dignitatum and the western mints", The Journal of Roman studies,1933, Vol.23,pp. 217-220.;Brechem, Denis. Van. "On some chapters of the Notitia Dignitatum relating to the defence of Gaul and Britain", The American Journal of Philology,1955,Vol.76, No.2, pp.138-147; Barnes, T.D, "Claudian and the "Notitia Dignitatum"", Phoenix,1978, Vol.32, pp.81-82:Mann,J. C. "The Notitia Dignitatum-Dating and Survival", Britannia,1991, Vol.22, pp.215-219此外,还可参阅Seeck, O. Notitia dignitatum, accedunt notitia urbis Constantinopolitanae et latercula provinciarum, Berlin,1876(参见Christophilopoulou, Aikaterina, Byzantine History (324-610), Vol.Ⅰ, p.58.)。
    1Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.1.
    2卡西奥多鲁斯出生于意大利南部,其父是西西里总督。卡西奥多鲁斯的仕途起于协助其父工作,后来成为东哥特国王塞奥多里克(Theodoric约454-526年)及其继承人阿塔纳里克(Athalaric,约516-534年)的首相(Magister officiorum)。在537或538年,卡西奥多鲁斯离开意大利前往君士坦丁堡,并在那里居住了将近20年,专心研究宗教问题。卡西奥多鲁斯的余生退居于在自己田产上建立的修道院中,并在修道院里建立了一个图书馆,保存各种宗教与世俗著作。他的著作包括《编年史》(Chronica)、《哥特人史》(Gothic History)、《论灵魂》(De anima)、《诗篇释义》(Expositio psalmorum)、《颂词》(Laudes)以及大量信件等。
    3Socrates. The Ecclesiastical Histon,introduction, pp. xvi-xvii.
    1 Urbainczyk, Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, p.3.
    2 Socrates, The Armenian Adaptation of the Ecclesiastical History of Socrates Scholasticus, translated by Robert W. Thomson. Leuven-Paris-Sterling, VA:Peeters,2001, introduction, pp.9-11.
    3 Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas, translated by Elizabeth Jeffreys, Michael Jeffreys and Roger Scott with Brian Croke, Jenny Ferber, Simon Franklin, Alan James, Douglas Kelly, Ann Moffatt, Ann Nixon, Melbourne:Australian Association for Byzantine Studies,1986, introduction, pp. ⅹⅹⅰ-ⅹⅹⅲ陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第48页。
    1 Whitby, Michael. and Whiby, Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale 284-628 AD, Liverpool:Liverpool University Press,1989. introduction, pp. ⅸ-ⅹⅰ.
    3Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire:Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Liverpool:Francis Cairns,1981, pp.1-2陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第19-20页。
    4 Blockley. R. C. The Fragmentary:Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire:Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, pp.27-29陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第21-22页。
    1 Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, London and New York:Routledge,2002, p.66, pp.69-70, p.75, p.80.
    1 Urbainczyk. Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, p.3.
    2 Kairos来自于希腊单词καιροζ,意为“正确或恰当的时机”,指某种特殊事件发生的时刻。在新约中Kairos指“为了上帝的目的所指定的时间”,或都指上帝行动之时。参见http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kairos
    3奥利金(Origen约185-254年)足公元2世纪著名埃及神学家,在亚历山大里亚受教育,继承亚历山大里亚的克雷芒(Clement of Alexandria.约150-211或216年)主持亚历山大昊亚的基督教教理学校(Catechetical School of Alexandria),后与当时的亚历山大半亚主教德米特里乌斯(Demetrius)产生矛盾而破驱逐,移居凯撒里亚并继续教授弟子,在罗马皇帝戴西乌斯(Decius在位期250-251年)迫害基督徒时期受到拷打,后因伤势不愈去世。其神学观点在4世纪引起了“奥利金争论”,在553年的君士坦丁堡会议(第五次基督教大公会议)上,奥利金被宣布为异端。
    1 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories:Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, p.176.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.43.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅶ.44.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.45.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅶ.46.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.47.
    9“伊利里库姆”是罗马人在征服亚得里亚海东岸伊利里亚人(the Illyrians)居住地区后所设立的行省名称。在以后的年代里,作为一个行政区划,“伊利里库姆”这一名称所包括的地域远远超出了“伊利里亚”(Illyria)这一地理概念:北起多瑙河南岸,南至克里特岛,东包色雷斯,西到东阿尔卑斯山脉北麓地区都曾是伊利里库姆的管辖范围,其规格也由行省变为大区。在征服伊利里亚地区的过程中,罗马在此建立了名为“伊利里库姆”的行省。此后,至查士丁尼时代结束之前,以“伊利里库姆”为名的行政区划经历了两个发展阶段:第一个阶段是行省阶段,由伊利里库姆行省正式设立直至戴克里先时代开始之前,此时,作为地理概念的“伊利里亚”所指的地域同伊利里库姆行省管辖范围基本一致;第二个阶段是大区阶段,自戴克里先时代起至希拉克略王朝时代(关于伊利里库姆大区这一行政区划在此之后是否存续,学者们观点不一,具体可参见Ostrogorsky, George. History of the Byzantine state, p.119, note 5.)。
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.48.
    3Urbainczyk. Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, p.5.
    4 Ibid., pp.13-14.
    5Ibid., pp.44-46.
    6 Ibid.,pp.51-56.
    1 Ibid., p.46, p.71, p.97, p.98, p.168.
    2 Ibid., pp.139-143.
    3 Ibid., p.27, pp.131-138.
    4 Ibid., p.107.
    5 Ibid., pp.108-129.
    6 Ibid., p.149.
    7 Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, p.116.
    1 Treadgold. Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2007. p.1. 2Ibid., p.21.
    1 (美)罗德尼·斯塔克:《基督教的兴起:一个社会学家对历史的再思》,黄剑波、高民贵译,上海:上海古籍出版社,2005年版,第252页。
    4 Brown, Peter. The World of Late Antiquity (AD150-750). London:Thames and Hudson LTD,1971, p.98.
    5 Ibid., p.101.
    6 Dunn, Marilyn. The Emergence of Monasticism:From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages, Oxford: Blackwell Publishing,2003,pp.1-2
    1Frazee. Charles A. " Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", in Church History, Vol.51, No.3,1982, p.263.
    2关于冈拉会议的召开时间,学者们颇有分歧,能确定的时间段是325年-381年之间,也就是325年尼西亚会议和381年君士坦丁堡会议之间。参见Percival Henry R. edited. The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church:Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, Edinburgh:T&T Clark,1890, pp.154-155.
    3 Ibid., pp.156-157.
    4可参见Hardy, Edward Rochie. "National Elements in the Career of St. Athanasius", in Church History,Vol.2, No.4,Dec.,1933, pp.187-196.
    1 Trompf, G. W. Early Christian Historiography:Narratives of retributive justice, London and New York: Continuum,2000,p.47.
    2 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories:Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret and Evagius, p.1
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.24.
    1 Ibid..Ⅴ.16.
    2Ibid., introduction, p.ⅷ.
    Rohrbacher. David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, p.108.
    4 Urbainczyk. Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, pp.13-14.
    5 Treadgold. Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, New York and Houndmills:Palgrave Macmillan,2007. p. 136. note 67.
    6 Treadgold. Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, pp.136-137.
    1公元325年在比提尼亚的尼西亚(Nicaea in Bithynia,现土耳其的伊兹尼克)召开了基督教第一次大公会议,会上通过的信经称为尼西亚信经。
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.28.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅰ.13.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅳ.28,Ⅴ.19,Ⅵ.21-22,Ⅶ.25.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅵ.19,21.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅶ.17,39.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅴ.10.
    1 Ibid., introduction,p.ⅹ.
    2 Ibid.
    3Chesnut. Glenn F. The First Christian Histories:Eusebius. Socrates. Sozomen, Theodoret and Evagius. pp. 185-186.
    4Urbainczyk. Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, p.18.
    5Treadgold. Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.136.
    6 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History. Ⅳ.33.
    7 Ibid.Ⅶ.15.
    2Ibid., Ⅵ.4,5.
    3 Ibid., Ⅵ 9,10,17,
    4Ibid., Ⅵ.6.
    5为了教会的和谐,皇帝也召集了一名诺瓦提安派主教阿克修斯(Acesius)与会。当信经写定并在会上签字时,皇帝问阿克修斯是否同意这份信经中复活节日期的安排。他回答说:“陛下,会议没有决定什么新东西,因为我从前就接受了传自使徒时代的传统的信仰定义以及复活节日期”。于是,皇帝又问他:“那么你为何脱离教会呢?”他提到在戴西乌斯迫害时期所发生的事,指出那严峻的教会法规的强硬规定。那条法规宣布,人们在受洗之后犯罪,然后又参与圣事是不正确的,圣经称之为“一项致命之罪”(John. V.16)。犯过者应接受劝告并悔改,但是不能期望从教士那得到宽恕,而是要从有能力和权威赦免罪行的上帝那里取得原谅。当阿克修斯说完后,皇帝对他说:“搬把梯子,阿克修斯,你独自爬上天去吧”。(Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, I.10)
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical Histoiy,1. Ⅵ.
    3 Bagnall, Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity.Princeton:Princeton University Press,1993, p.208.
    4 Jones, A. H. M. "The Roman colonate", in Finley, M. I.eds. Studies in ancient society, London, Henley and Boston:Routledge and Kegan Paul,1974, p.290.
    5 Lindsay, Jack. Byzantium into Europe, London:The Bodley Head,1952, p.47.
    6 Bagnall, Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity, p.59, p.70.
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1964. vol.Ⅱ, p.860.
    2(美)汤普逊:《中世纪经济社会史( 300-1300年)》上册,耿淡如译,北京:商务印书馆,1997,第25页。
    3 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, vol.Ⅱ, pp.861-863.
    4 Jones, A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world. New York:Holt. Rinehart and Winston,1966, p.238.
    6 Jones, A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.239.
    1以上有关君士坦丁堡地理位置的描述主要根据以下著作和论文整理:Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth, Eastern Europe,500-1453, New York:St.Vladimir's Seminary Press,1974, p.24, p.33, pp.42-62;陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第93-94页,第354-355页;徐家玲:《早期拜占庭和查士丁尼时代研究》,第47--48页。
    2 Hall, Linda. Jones. Roman Berytus:Beirut in late antiquity, London and New York:Routledge,2004, pp.22-23, p.37, p.239.
    3 Hall, Linda. Jones. "The case of late antique Berytus:Urban wealth and rural sustenance-a different economic dynamic", in Burns, Thomas. S. Eadie.John. W. edited, Urban centers and rural contexts in late antiquity. Michigan State University Press,2001, p.66.
    5 Jones, A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.239.
    7 Lindsay, Jack. Byzantium into Europe, p.44.
    8关于罗马帝国晚期的人口,德国学者施泰因(Stein)认为1世纪时整个帝国有七千万人,至4世纪末,东部有二千六百万人,西部有二千四百万人;拉塞尔则估计4世纪后期的罗马人口与奥古斯都时代相比下降了一半,同时认为伊利里库姆地区人口由于得到日耳曼人定居者的补充,因此总数未有明显下降,见Russel, J. C. "Later ancient and medieval population", in Transactions of the American philosophical society, New Ser. Vol.48. No.3,1958, p.7, p.73, p.78.
    9 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman empire284-602, Vol.Ⅱ, pp.1040-1041.
    1Jones. A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.178.
    2 Brown, Peter. The world of late antiquity AD150-750, p.34.
    3Jones. A. H..M. The later Roman empire284-602. Vol.Ⅰ,p.554.
    4 Ibid.,p.782,p.793.
    5Ibid., p.554.
    6 Starr,Chester. G. The Roman empire27.B.C.--A.D.476, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1982, pp.170-171.
    7Jones, A. H..M. The later Roman empire284-602. Vol.Ⅰ. p.555.
    8 Scott. Sarah. "Elites, exhibitionism and economy in Italy,1500B.C.-A.D.1500". in Christie. Neil, edited, Landscapes of change:Rural evolutions in late antiquity and the early middle ages, Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing Company,2004,p.42.
    9Marcellius,Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum. translated by John C. Rolfe. Cambridge. Mass:Cambridge University Press,1986,Vol.Ⅲ.28,4,6-9,p.141.
    10 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman empire284-602,Vol.Ⅰ, pp.554-555.
    11 Ibid.,p.555.
    12 Jones, A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.53.
    2 Jones, A. H..M. The later Roman empire284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.555.
    3Jones, A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.53.
    7 Croix, G. E. M. De. Ste. The class struggle in the ancient Greek world:From the Archaic age to the Arab conquests, New York:Cornell University Press,1981. p.222.
    8 Dill, Samuel. Roman society in the last century of the western empire, New York:Meridian Books,1973, p.262
    9 Moss, H. St. L. B. The birth of the middle ages395-814, London, Oxford, New York:Oxford University Press, 1979, p.20.
    10 Dill, Samuel. Roman society in the last century of the western empire, p.236.
    11 Lindsay, Jack. Byzantium into Europe, p.39.
    1 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions. Princeton Universtiy Press,1952,16.5.42, p.457.
    2 Ibid.,16.5.43, p.458.
    3 Ibid.,16.5.51, p.459.
    4 Ibid.,16.5.52, p.459.
    5 Ibid.,16.5.58, p.461.
    6 Ibid.,16.5.59, p.461.
    7 Ibid.,16.5.61, p.462.
    1 Ibid.,16.5.64, p.462.
    2 Ibid.,16.5.65, p.462.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.6.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅶ.17.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅶ.25.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅶ.29.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅶ.21.
    10 Pharr,Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitution, Minutes of the Senate of the City of Rome (Gesta Senatus Urbis Romae).4, and p.4, note 23.
    1背教者”朱利安皇帝所颁布的与宗教无关的法令仍有个别留存于法典内,例如362年至363年间朱利安针对财务官选任与管理的三道诏令(Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitution,8.1.6,7,8, pp.186-187.)
    2 Pharr, Clyde, translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitution,I.1.5, pp.11-12.
    3 Ibid., Minutes of the Senate of the City of Rome (Gesta Senatus Urbis Romae).7, pp.6-7.
    4 Ibid., introduction, p. xviii.
    6 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitution, introduction, p. xix.
    7 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.1.
    8 Ibid.
    9 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅶ.22.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅶ.22.
    3 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter.edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998, p.666.
    6 Usher, M. D. Homeric Stitchings:The Homeric Centos of the Empress Eudocia, Lanham, Boulder, New York, Oxford:Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, INC.,1998, p.11.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.21.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅶ.21.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅶ.1.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅶ.15.
    2 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, p.676.
    3Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History:Ⅶ.48.
    1 Ibid..Ⅰ.1.
    2 Ibid., introduction,p. ⅹⅴ.
    3Urbainczyk, Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople; Historian of Church and State, p.3.
    4 Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, p.116.
    5Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories:Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret and Evagius, p.176.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.1.
    7鲁非鲁斯的《教会史》被献给阿奎利亚(Aquileia)主教克罗马提乌斯(Chromatius),由格拉修斯(Gelasius)与耶路撒冷的西里尔(Cyril of Jerusalem)译成希腊文。
    1这里的尤西比乌斯派指以尼科美地亚主教尤西比乌斯(Eusebius. bishop of Nicomedia.生年不详,去世于公元341年)为首的阿里乌斯的支持者。
    2此人的名字在第6卷的卷首语中以及全书结束时也曾出现,身份不详。参见Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History. introduction, p. x.;Ⅵ.1.:Ⅶ.48.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅰ.9.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅱ.10.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅱ.18.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅱ.19.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅱ.30.
    2 Ibid., Ⅱ.37.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅱ.40.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅱ.41.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅲ.25.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅳ.12.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅵ.8.
    8 Ibid, Ⅵ.21.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅰ.6.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅰ.7.
    11 Ibid.,Ⅰ.8.
    12 Ibid.,Ⅰ.9.
    13 Ibid.,Ⅰ.9.
    14 Ibid.,Ⅰ.9.
    15 Ibid.,Ⅰ.9.
    16 Ibid.,Ⅰ.14.
    17 Ibid.,Ⅰ.25.
    18 Ibid.,Ⅰ.26.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.27.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅰ.34.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅱ.2.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅱ.17.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅱ.22.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅱ.23.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅱ.23.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅱ.23.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅱ.23.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅱ.37.
    11 Ibid.,Ⅲ.3.
    12 Ibid.,Ⅲ.7.
    13 Ibid.,Ⅶ.32.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅱ.1.
    2 Rufinus, The Church History ofRufinus of Aquileia.Book 10 and 11, introduction, pp. vii-x.
    3 Urbainczyk, Thresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and Slate, p.51.
    4 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.1.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅰ.22.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅴ.22.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅶ.36.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅶ.26,27.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅰ.8;Ⅱ.15,39;Ⅲ.10,25;Ⅳ.12.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.1.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅰ.8.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅲ.7.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅰ.21.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅳ.23.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅱ.4.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅰ.24.乔治所提出的原因被苏格拉底否定。
    8 Ibid.,Ⅱ.9.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅳ.23.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅱ.1.
    11 Ibid.,Ⅰ.13.
    12 Ibid.,Ⅰ.28-35,Ⅱ.23-24.
    13 Ibid.,Ⅱ.28,Ⅲ.8.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅱ.37.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅵ.13.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅰ.36;Ⅱ.21.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅲ.12.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅳ.25.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅰ.36.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅳ.7.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅵ.11-12.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅰ.22.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅰ.9.
    11 Ibid.,Ⅱ.30.
    12 Ibid.,Ⅲ.10.
    13 Ibid.,Ⅲ.16.
    14 Ibid.,Ⅴ.22.关于此书的作者,有人认为并非特里卡主教,而是腓尼基人赫里奥多鲁斯,也有人认为作者是哈德良皇帝时期的诡辩家赫里奥多鲁斯,参见Ibid.,Ⅴ.22, note 28.
    15 Ibid.,Ⅴ.24.
    16 Ibid.,Ⅴ.24.
    17 Ibid.,Ⅵ.3.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅵ.3.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅵ.6.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅶ.32.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅱ.35;Ⅲ.23.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅲ.1.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅲ.17.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅲ.23.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅲ.7.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅲ.15.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅲ.20.
    11 Ibid.,Ⅲ.22.
    12 Ibid.,Ⅲ.21.
    13 Ibid.,Ⅲ.22.
    14 Ibid.,Ⅲ.25.
    15 Ibid.,Ⅲ.25,Ⅳ.32.
    16 Ibid.,Ⅴ.14.
    17 Ibid.,Ⅴ.22.
    18 Ibid.,Ⅶ.25.
    1 Urbainzyk, Theresa. Socrates of Constantinople, Historian of Church and State, p.54.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.10
    3 Ibid., Ⅰ.13.奥克萨诺恩很可能就是之前提到的第一位目击证人,但苏格拉底始终未明确表明他是从奥克萨诺恩那里得知
    4 Ibid., Ⅱ.38.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅱ.38.
    6 Ibid., Ⅳ.28.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅴ.16.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅴ.19.
    9 Ibid., Ⅰ.10.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅰ.13.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.12.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅰ.17.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅳ.8.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅴ.22.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅰ.12.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅰ.17.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅰ.1.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅵ.Introduction.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅳ.31.
    1实际上,赛奥菲勒斯也明确指出这是一条“非法的法律”。Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.88.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.15.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅵ. Introduction.
    5参见Ostrogorsky, Geogre. History of the Byzantine State, p.26.;(南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜 占廷帝国》,陈志强译,西宁:青海人民出版社,2006年版,第23页。陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第5页。
    1 Cavallo, Guglielmo. edited, The Byzantines, translated by Thomas Dunlap, Thresa Lavender Fagan, Charles Lambert, Chicago & London:The University of Chicago Press,1997, p.4.
    5 Polybius, The Histories, translated by W. R. Paton, Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press,1998,Ⅰ.14.6, p. 37.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.1.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅴ.20.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅴ. Introduction.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅵ.Introduction.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅱ.1.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅲ.1.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅲ.20.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅵ.19.
    1Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.8.
    5Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅴ. Introduction.
    2 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, pp.194-196.
    3Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ. Introduction.《圣经》译文引自《圣经(中英对照和合本)》,中国基督教三自爱国运动委员会、中国基督教协会,2007年版,提摩太前书,5:24,笫370页。
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2.
    8Ibid.,Ⅳ 26.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.17.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅰ.24.
    6 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, pp.196-198.
    2Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History.Ⅴ. Introduction.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.15.
    2 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.146.
    3 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, introduction, p.196.
    4 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, pp.146-147参见Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, p.201
    5 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.3.
    6 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.147.
    7 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.148参见Glenn F. Chesnut, The First Christian Histories, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, p.205.
    8 Trompf, G. W. Early Christian Historiography, London and New York:Continuum,2000, p.215参见Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, p.122. Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, p.205.
    10 Chesnut, Glenn F. The First Christian Histories, Eusebius, Socrates, Sozomen, Theodoret, and Evagrius, p. 205.
    11 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.152.
    1 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,introduction, pp.221-222.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Ibid.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅰ.12.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅴ.12.
    7Ibid.,Address to the Emperor Theodosius by Salaminius Hermias Sozomen. and Proposal for an Ecclesiastical History,pp.236-238.
    8 Treadgold. Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.152.
    Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.1.
    10 Ibid.,"Memoir of Sozomen",p.235.
    11 Rohrbacher. David. The Historians of Late Antiquity,p.123.
    12 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,introduction, p.217.
    13 Rohrbacher. David. The Historians of Late Antiquity,p.123参见Treadgold. Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.154.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, introduction, p.193.
    2 Ibid., introduction, pp.215-216.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅰ.12.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅰ.13-14.
    5 Ibid., Ⅲ.14-16.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅵ.20,28-34,40.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.8;Ⅳ.23-24.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅰ.3,16-18,
    9 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.8-9,
    11 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.21.
    12 Ibid.,Ⅴ.22.
    13 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.155.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.15.
    2Socrates, The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅵ.4.
    3 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.Ⅴ.
    4 Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity,p.123.
    1 Theodoret of Cyrrhus, A History of the Monks of Syria, translated by R. M. Price, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cisterican Publications,1985, introduction, pp. xi-xii.参见Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, translated with notes by Jackson Blomfield, Grand Rapids, Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1957, prolegomena, pp.1-3.
    2 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.158.
    3 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ. prologue.
    4 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.158.
    5 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, prolegomena, p.18.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2,4; Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.3,6-7.
    7 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.1.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.16,Ⅶ.24; Sozomen,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.3.
    9 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.13,34,Ⅲ.1; Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.1-2.
    10 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1.
    1 Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, pp.133-134.
    2 Treadgold, Warren. The Early Byzantine Historians, p.161.
    3 Rohrbacher, David. The Historians of Late Antiquity, p.132.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.Ⅹ.
    5 Sozomen,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.4,6-9.
    4关于匈人的族属、欧洲历史上记载的匈人与中国史书上记载的匈奴人是否同源等问题,国际学术界至今仍存在争议,国内学者则一般认为匈人即为匈奴,有关学术回顾可参见贾衣肯:“匈奴西迁问题研究综述’(上)、(下),载《中国史研究动态》,2006年第9期与第10期;韩景轩:“读齐思和先生的《匈奴西迁及其在欧洲的活动》”,载《社科纵横(新理论版)》,2008年3月;(法)菲迪南·罗特:《古代世界的终结》,王春侠、曹明玉译,李晓东审校,上海:上海三联书店,2008年版,第213-214页;Maenchen-Helfen, J. Otto.The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, edited by Max Knight, Berkeley, Los Angeles, London:University of California Press,1973, pp.367-375.; Thompson, E. A. The Huns, Revised and with an afterword by Peter Heather, Oxford:Blackwell Publishers,1996,pp.1-2; Gordon, C. D. The Age ofAttila, Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,1960,p.57.
    1 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol., pp.381-387.
    2 Thompson, E. A. The Huns, pp.9-10.
    3 Thompson, E. A. The Huns, p.9参见Maenchen-Helfen, J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, p.1, p.9.
    4 Eunapius, fragments.41.1, in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, II (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), Liverpool:Francis Cairns,1983,p.59.
    5 Zosimus, New History, translated by Ronald T. Ridley, Canberra:Australian Association for Byzantine Studies, 1982,4.20.3-4, pp.78-79.
    6 Olympiodorus, fragments.19, in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 183.
    1Philostorgius. Church History,translated by Philip R. Amidon. Leidon·Boston,Brill,2007. Introduction, p. ⅹⅹⅰ.
    3 Maenchen-Helfen,J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, p.8; Philostorgius. Church History, p.132,note 34参见(古希腊)希罗多德:《历史》,上册,第272页,第306页。
    4Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.34.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅵ.1.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅶ.30.
    7Gordon. C. D. The Age of Attila. p.61
    8 Thompson. E. A. The Huns,p.53.
    9Maenchen-Helfen. J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, pp.82-84. Orosius, Paulus. The Seven Books of History Against the Pagans, translated by Roy J. Deferrari. Washington. D. C.:The Catholic University of America Press,1964,Ⅶ.32. p.337.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.37.
    2 Orosius, Paulus. The Seven Books of History Against the Pagans,Ⅶ.33, p.339.
    3 Priscus, fragments I, in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp.223-225.
    4 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes, translated by Charles Christopher Miedow, Cambridge:Speculum Historiale, New York:Barnes & Noble, ING, 1960, XXIV.123-128, pp.85-87.
    5 Thompson, E. A. The Huns, pp.19-20.
    6(法)菲迪南·罗特:《古代世界的终结》,第213页;Maenchen-Helfen, J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, p.19.Thompson, E. A. The Huns, p.26-27.
    7 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.3,31.3.1, p.395.
    1 Thompson. E. A. The Huns. pp.27-29. Maenchen-Helfen.J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, pp.23-26:(法)菲迪南·罗特:《古代世界的终结》,第216页。
    2 Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol., p.437.
    3 Maenchen-Helfen, J. Otto. The World of the Huns. Studies in their History and Culture, p.28.
    4 Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum. Vol. p.471.
    6 Maenchen-Helfen,J. Otto. The World of the Huns. Studies in their History and Culture, p.29.
    5 Thompson. E. A. The Huns. p.30.
    7Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.,p.501.
    8 Maenchen-Helfen. J. Otto. The World of the Huns. Studies in their History and Culture, pp.30-36 9Ibid.,p.41.
    1 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes, ⅩⅩⅩⅡ.166, p.97.
    2 Thompson, E. A. The Huns, p.30.
    3 Zosimus, New History,4.34.6, p.86.
    4 Thompson, E. A. The Huns, p.30.
    5 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.25.
    6 Philostorgius, Church History,11.8, p.149.
    7 Thompson, E. A. The Huns, p.31.
    8 Maenchen-Helfen, J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, p.51.
    9 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, VI.1.
    10 Philostorgius, Church History,11.8, p.149.
    11 Jerome, Select Letters, translated by F. A. Wright, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1999, Letter LX.16.
    12 Maenchen-Helfen,J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, p.50.
    13 Cameron, Averil. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D.337-425, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998, p.128.
    1 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.5.
    2 Maenchen-Helfen. J. Otto. The World of the Huns. Studies in their History and Culture, pp.74-76.
    3 Cameron. Averil. Ward-Perkins,Bryan. and Whitby, Michael. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History,Vol.ⅩⅣ. Late Antiquity:Empire and Successors, A.. D.425-600, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,2000,p.704.
    4 Jordanes,The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅩⅣ.127-128. pp.86-87. 5 Maenchen-Helfen, J. Otto. The World of the Huns, Studies in their History and Culture, pp.2-5. p.8.
    6 Heather,Peter. The Goths. Oxford:Blackwell Publishers Ltd.,1996, pp.11-13.
    7 Ibid.,p.30.
    8 Ibid.,pp.30-39.
    1 Jordanes, The Gothic History ofJordanes, ⅩⅢ.76-ⅩⅦ.100, pp.72-79. Zosimus, New History,1.23-35, pp. 8-11.
    2 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅦ.103-104, p.80.
    3 Heather, Peter. and Matthews, John. The Goths in the Fourth Century, Liverpool:Liverpool University Press, 1991, pp.8-9.
    4 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅩⅢ.116-120, pp.84-85.
    5 Ibid.,ⅩⅩⅣ.130. p.87.
    6 Heather, Peter. The Goths, p.101.
    7 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes, ⅩⅩⅢ.120
    8 Heather, Peter. The Goths, p.51.
    9 Ibid., pp.58-59.
    1 Heather. P. J. Goths and Romans 332-489. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1991, n.116.
    2 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅩⅣ.129-130, pp.87-88.
    3 Heather, Peter. The Goths, p.98.
    5 Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,Vol.3,31.3.3, p.397.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.34. Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.3,31.2.12. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical Historv,Ⅳ.37. Jordanes. The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅩⅤ.131, p.88.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.34.
    1 Eunapius, fragments 42, in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus,Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 61.
    2365年,波斯人已经再度劫掠边境,见Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, vol.2,26.4.6, p.589.
    3 Heather, Peter. The Goths, p.132.
    4 Zosimus, New History,4.20.6, p.79.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅳ.35.
    6 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅳ.37.
    7 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,vol.3,31.5.5,p.411.
    8 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅩⅥ.134-137, pp.87-89.
    1 Heather, P.J. Goths and Romans 332-489, p.132.
    2 Ibid., p.132.
    3 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.3,31.4.11, p.407.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.38. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.39-40. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.31-36. Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.3,31.11-14, pp.457-483. Zosimus, New History,4.23-24.2,pp.80-81. Jordanes, The Gothic History ofJordanes,ⅩⅩⅥ.138. p.90.
    5 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol., p.481.
    6 Heather, P. J. Goths and Romans 332-489, pp.146-147.
    1 Ibid., pp.147-156.
    2 Ibid., p.159.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.10. Sozomen,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.9. Philostorgius, Church History,12.3, p.157. Olympiodorus, Fragments 11. In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus,Ⅱ (Text. Translation and Historiographical Notes), p.169.
    5 Jordanes, The Gothic History of Jordanes,ⅩⅩⅩ.155, p.94.
    6 Heather, P. J. Goths and Romans 332-489, pp.213-224. Cameron, Averil. Ward-Perkins, Bryan. and Whitby, Michael. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅣ. Late Antiquity:Empire and Successors, A.. D. 425-600,p.124.
    7 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History,Vol.ⅩⅣ, Late Antiquity:Empire and Successors, A.. D.425-600, p.124.
    1Millar, Fergus. The Roman Near East,31 BC-AD 337, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1993, p.150.
    2 Dignas, Beate. and Winter, Engelbert. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, pp.20-22.
    3 Ibid., pp.22-24;
    1 Millar, Fergus. The Roman Near East,31 BC-AD 337, pp.177-178.
    2 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. XIII, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.437.
    3 Eusebius, Life of Constantine, translated by Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1999, Ⅳ.8, p.156.
    4 Eusebius, Life of Constantine,Ⅳ.9-13, pp.156-158. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.15.Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.24.
    5 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.437.
    6 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.9.
    7 Dignas, Beate. and Winter, Engelbert. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity, p.33.
    8 Eusebius, Life of Constantine,Ⅳ.14, p.158.
    1 Philostorgius, Church History,3.1.1a. p.37.
    2 Eusebius. Life of Constantine,Ⅳ.56-57,p.175
    3原名德里帕努姆(Drepanum),一般认为是君士坦丁一世母亲海伦娜出生地(参见Drijvers, Ian Willem. Helena Augusta:The Mother of Constantine the Great and the Legend of Her Finding of the True Cross, Leiden·New York·Kobenhavn·Koln:E. J. Brill,1992, p.9.),后君士坦丁一世为其改名为海伦娜波利斯(Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.17.),位于现在土耳其西北部城市亚罗瓦(Yalova)附近。
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.39.
    5 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum, translated by Rev. John Selby Watson, London:George Bell and Sons,1886,Ⅹ.8.
    6 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, Liverpool:Liverpool University Press,1989, p.21.
    7Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.18.
    1Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.438.
    2 Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.1,17.5.3-14, pp.333-339.
    3 Baynes, Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", in The English Historical Review, Vol.25, No.100, Oct.,1910, p.628. Venning, Timothy. edited, A Chronology of the Byzantine Empire, New York: Palgrave Macmillan,2006, p.12. Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D.337-425, p.437.
    4 Baynes, Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", pp.630-633.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.7.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅱ.25.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅱ.5.
    1Ibid.,Ⅱ.44参见Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.28. Venning,Timothy. edited,A Chronology of the Byzantine Empire, p.19.
    2 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.26.
    3Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.10.
    4 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History,Vol.ⅩⅢ. The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425. p.439. Baynes. Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", p.634.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.47.
    6 Bowersock, G. W. Julian the Apostate. Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1978, p.65.
    7Ibid., p.96.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.17. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.19. Zosimus. New History,3.11,p.56.
    9Socrates, The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅲ.17-18. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.19. Zosimus. New History,3.11. p.56.
    10 Bowersock, G. W. Julian the Apostate, p.108. Zosimus. New History,3.12, p.56之所以于此时进军,按苏格拉底的说法足由于朱利安认为波斯人及其统治下的各个民族无法忍受寒冷并避免战斗,而罗马人在任何酷烈气似下都可以勇猛作战,因此选择在春天尚未完全到来时出征(Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.21)。实际上,美索不达米亚北部冬季有时会有大雪,严重时更会形成洪流(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iraq#Geography),伊朗高原西部冬季也有大雪(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran#Geography_and_climate),朱利安之所以选择3月5日出发,除了作战准备可能到这时才完成之外,很可能是由于依靠当时的军事装备与技术条件,冬季无法穿越雪地在美索不达米亚与伊朗高原地区迅速行军。
    11 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.1. Theodoret. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.20. Philostorgius. Church History,7.15,15a. pp.108-110. Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum. Vol.2,23.2-25.3. pp. 315-503. Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum, Ⅹ.16. Eunapius, fragments.27.1-28.7, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp.39-45. Zosimus, New History,3.12-29, pp. 56-65. Bowersock, G. W. Julian the Apostate, pp.108-118.
    1Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.2,22.12.1-2, pp.263-265.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, III.13.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅲ.21.
    4 Eunapius, fragments.28.5-6, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, II (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp. 43-45.
    5 Philostorgius, Church History,7.15a, p.110.
    6 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.439.
    7 Dignas, Beate. and Winter, Engelbert. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity, p.34.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.22.
    9 Philostorgius, Church History,8.1, p.111. Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,25.7. Zosimus, New History,3.31, p.66.
    10 Eunapius, fragments.29.1, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp. 45-47.
    11 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.17.
    12 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.2.
    1 Philostorgius. Church History,8.1. p.111.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.22.
    3 Bullough, Vern L. "The Roman Empire vs. Persia,363-502:A Study of Successful Deterrence",The Journal of Conflict Resolution,Vol.7. No.1,Mar.,1963,p.58.
    4 Bullough.Vern L. "The Roman Empire vs. Persia,363-502:A Study of Successful Deterrence", p.58. Dignas. Beate. and Winter. Engelbert. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity,p.34.
    5 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,Vol.,16,p.79,pp.85-87.
    6 Bavnes, Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", p.636.
    7Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.3. Zosimus. New History,4.4-9. pp.72-74.
    8 Zosimus. New History,4.10-11,pp.74-75.
    9Bavnes, Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", pp.637-638.
    10 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.14.
    11 Zosimus, New History,4.13.1-2. pp.75-76.
    12 Bavnes, Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", pp.638-640.
    13当时塞奥多西一世正要出兵平灭帝国西部的马克西莫斯叛乱。(Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.7.)
    14 Bavnes. Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", p.643有关文献资料可参见Greatrex. Geoffrey, and Lieu, Samuel N. C. edited. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, Part Ⅱ. AD 363-630, A narrative sourcebook. London and New York:Routledge,2002. pp.28-30.
    15 Bavnes, Norman H. "Roman and Armenia in the Fourth Century", p.643.
    16 Cameron,Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History.Vol.ⅩⅢ. The Late Empire. A. D. 337-425, p.442.
    1Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅶ.8. Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D.337-425, p.443. Dignas, Beate. and Winter, Engelbert. Rome and Persia in Late Antiquity, p.35.有关文献资料可参见Greatrex, Geoffrey. and Lieu, Samuel N. C. edited, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, Part Ⅱ. AD 363-630, A narrative sourcebook, pp.31-34.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.18.
    3 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor. Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD284-813, translated by Cyril Mango and Roger Scott, with the assistance of Geoffrey Greatrex, Oxford:Clarendon Press, 1997, p.134参见Greatrex, Geoffrey. and Lieu, Samuel N. C. edited, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, Part II. AD 363-630, A narrative sourcebook, pp.38-43.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.18,20.
    5 Greatrex, Geoffrey. and Lieu, Samuel N. C. edited, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, Part Ⅱ. AD 363-630, A narrative sourcebook, p.42.
    6 Bullough, Vern L. "The Roman Empire vs. Persia,363-502:A Study of Successful Deterrence", p.60.
    7 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.443.
    1Theodoret. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.38.
    2Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.21.
    3Bullough, Vern L. "The Roman Empire vs. Persia.363-502:A Study of Successful Deterrence", p.61相关文献资料参见Greatrex,Geoffrey. and Lieu. Samuel N. C. edited. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars,Part Ⅱ. AD 363-630. A narrative sourcebook. pp.44-45. Cameron. Averil. Ward-Perkins,Bryan. and Whitby. Michael. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅣ.Late Antiquity:Empire and Successors,A., D. 425-600,p.641.
    6 Matthews, John. The Roman Empire of Ammianus. London:Duckworth,1989, p.342(美)希提:《阿拉伯通史》,第78页
    7Matthews, John. The Roman Empire of Ammianus, pp.342-343.
    1 Bowersock, G. W. Roman Arabia, London and Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1983, pp. 123-127.
    2 Bowersock, G. W. Roman Arabia, pp.130-136.(美)希提:《阿拉伯通史》,笫86-87页。
    3 Shahid, Irfan. Rome and the Arabs:A Prolegomenon to the Study of Byzantium and the Arabs, Washington, D. C.:Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection,1984, p.17.
    4 Vasiliev, Alexander A. "Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the Byzantine Empire from the Fourth to the Sixth Century", in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol.9,1956, p.306.
    5 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.444.
    6 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.2,23.5.1,25.6.8-10, p.333, pp.525-527.
    1 Zosimus. New Historv,3.27, p.64. Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.2,25.1.3, p.407.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.18.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅳ.36.
    4 Rufinus, The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia, Book 10 and 11,11.6, p.68. 5 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.36. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38. Rufinus, The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia, Book 10 and 11,11.6, p.68. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.20.
    7 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38.
    1 Eusebius, Life of Constantine,3.7.1, p.124. Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.8.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.36.
    3 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38.
    4 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter.edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.448.
    5 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.448.
    1Mayerson. Philip. "Saracens and Romans:Micro-Macro Relationships", in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. No.274. May.1989. p.73.
    2 Ibid., p.72.
    3 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.22.
    4Vasiliev. Alexander A. "Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the Byzantine Empire from the Fourth to the Sixth Century",p.307.
    5Jerome, Letters and Select Works. translated by Hon. W. H. Fremantle, Grand Rapids, Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1952, p.316.
    1Mayerson, Philip. "Saracens and Romans:Micro-Macro Relationships", p.74.
    2 Jerome, Letters and Select Works, Letter CXXⅥ, p.252. Vasiliev, Alexander A. "Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the Byzantine Empire from the Fourth to the Sixth Century", p. 308.
    3 Vasiliev, Alexander A. "Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the Byzantine Empire from the Fourth to the Sixth Century", p.309.
    4 Stewart, Columba Cassian the Monk, Oxford and New York:Oxford University Press,1998, pp.4-12.
    5 Vasiliev, Alexander A. "Notes on some Episodes concerning the Relations between the Arabs and the Byzantine Empire from the Fourth to the Sixth Century", p.308.
    3 Matthews, John. The Roman Empire ofAmmianus, pp.355-356.
    4 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. XIII, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.452.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.39.
    1 Matthews, John. The Roman Empire ofAmmianus, pp.360-361.
    2 Lenski, Neol. "Basil and the Isaurian Uprising of A. D.375", in Phoenix, Vol.53, No.3/4, (Autumn-Winter, 1999), p.308.
    3 Zosimus, New History,1.69-70, pp.21-22.
    4 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol. ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.452.
    5 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.1,14.2.1, p.13.
    6 Ibid.,14.2.2-20, pp.13-23.
    7 Ibid.,19.13.1-2,p.545.
    8 Lenski, Neol. "Basil and the Isaurian Uprising of A. D.375", p.310.
    9 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.3,27.9.6-7, pp.59-61.
    10 Eunapius, fragments 43.4, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 65.
    1 Zosimus, New History,4.20, p.78.诺尔·莱斯基从凯撒里亚的瓦西里与伊康利乌姆主教于375至376年间的通信内容出发进行论证,认为这次袭击发生于公元375年。(Lenski, Neol. "Basil and the Isaurian Uprising of A. D.375", pp.313-324.)
    2 Zosimus, New History,5.25.1, p.112.
    3 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.25.
    4 Philostorgius, Church History,11.8, p.149.
    5 Palladius, The Dialogue of Palldius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, translated by Herbert Moore, New York:The Macmillan Company,1921, p.90 and note 1.
    6 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.27.
    7 Chrysostom, On the Priesthood; Ascetic Treatises; Select Homilies and Letters; Homilies on the Statutes, translated by W. R.W. Stephens, Grand Rapids, Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1886, p.359.
    8 Mayer, Wendy. and Allen, Pauline. John Chrysostom, London and New York:Routledge,2000, pp.10-11.
    9 Jerome, Letters and Select Works, Letter CXIV.1, p.214.
    10 Zosimus, New History,5.25.2-4.
    1 Synesius, The Letters of Synesius of Cyrene, translated by Augustine Fitzgerald, London:Oxford University Press,1926, p.168.
    2 Ibid., p.203.
    3 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,9.35.7, p.251.
    4 Matthews, John. The Roman Empire of Ammianus, p.367.
    5 Drinkwater, John F. The Alamanni and Rome 213-496(Caracalla to Clovis), Oxford:Oxford University Press, 2007, p.43.
    1 Ibid., pp.43-48.
    2 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum, Ⅸ.8.
    3Drinkwater, John F. The Alamanni and Rome 213-496(Caracalla to Clovis), pp.180-183.
    4 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅸ.23.
    5Drinkwater, John F. The Alamanni and Rome 213-496(Caracalla to Clovis), pp.187-188.
    6 Drinkwater, John F. The Alamanni and Rome 213-496(Caracalla to Clovis). p.200. Cameron. Averil. and Garnsey,Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D.337-425, p.5.
    7Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,30.7.5.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.25. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.1.Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum, X.9.11. Eunapius. fragments 11.2-12, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire. Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus. Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp.17-19. Zosimus,New History,2.42-43,pp.42-43(塞奥多里特在此再度显示了 对世俗事务的冷漠态度,惜字如金地陈述“不久之后,君士坦斯去世”Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.9.)
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.28,32. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.7. Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.12. Zosimus, New History,2,44-54, pp.43-47. Orosius, Paulus. The Seven Books of History against the Pagans,7.29, pp.332-333.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1.
    3 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.1,16.12.5, p.267.
    4 Zosimus, New History,2.53.3, p.47.
    5 Ibid.,3.1.1,p.49.
    6 Drinkwater, John F. The Alamanni and Rome 213-496(Caracalla to Clovis), p.202.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.4. Zosimus, New History,2.15, p.31.
    8 Eunapius, fragments,37, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p.53. Zosimus,New History,4.7.1-2.
    9 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.1,14.10.1-16, pp.79-89.
    10 Bowersock, G. W. Julian the Apostate, p.38.
    11 Ibid., pp.38-42.
    1 Drinkwater, John F. The Alamanni and Rome 213-496(Caracalla to Clovis), pp.266-269.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.6,11. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.4,13.
    3 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ. The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425,p.122,131,431
    4 Matthews, John. The Roman Empire of Ammianus, p.307.
    5 Gwatkin, H. M. and Whitney. J. P. edited. The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.Ⅰ, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1957, p.295.
    6 Zosimus, New History,1.68,p.21.
    7 Ibid.,1.71, p.22.
    9 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.11
    10 Ibid.,Ⅱ.13.
    11 Cameron. Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425,p.6.
    12 Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.1,15.8.19,16.3, p.175, p.211.
    13 Gwatkin, H. M. and Whitney. J. P. edited, The Cambridge Medieval History,Vol.Ⅰ, p.223, p.235, p.243.
    1 Treadgold, Warren Byzantium and its army,284-1081, Stanford:Stanford University Press,1995, p.1.
    6 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap. James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, New York: The Macmillan Company,1924, p.18.
    7 Ibid., p.41.
    8 Gwatkin. H. M. and Whitney, J. P. edited, The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.Ⅰ, p.44.
    1Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2. Zosimus, New History,2.9.2, p.29.
    2 Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.2. Zosimus, New History,2.9.1, pp.28-29.
    3 Zosimus, New History,2.17.2, p.32.
    4 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp.29-30.陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,笫372页,第375页。
    5 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.213.
    6 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,1.15.7, p.26.
    1 Bury,J. B. History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius Ⅰ to the Death of Justinian. Vol.Ⅰ. New York:Dover Publications. INC.,1958. p.36.
    1Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.214.
    2 Gwatkin, H. M. and Whitney, J. P. edited, The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.Ⅰ, p.45.
    3 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ, The Late Empire, A. D. 337-425, p.214.
    5 Ferrill, Arhur The Fall of the Roman Empire, the Military Explanation, London:Thames and Hudson, p.43.
    6 Treadgold, Warren Byzantium and its army,284-1081, pp.44-46.
    8 Ferrill, Arhur. The Fall of the Roman Empire, the Military Explanation, p.42.
    9 Zosimus, New History,2.34.1, p.39.
    10 Ibid.,2.34.2, p.39.
    1 Boak. Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, p.23. Bun, J. B. History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius Ⅰ to the Death of Justinian, Vol.Ⅰ, p.35,p.37.
    2 Boak. Arthur E. R. and Dunlap. James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, p.23. Gwatkin. H. M. and Whitney,J. P. edited, The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.Ⅰ. p.46.
    3 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey,Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.ⅩⅢ. The Late Empire. A. D. 337-425,p.214.
    4 Jones. A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire.284-602. Vol.Ⅰ. Oxford:Basil Blackwell,1964,p.614.
    6 Ferrill. Arhur. The Fall of the Roman Empire, the Military Explanation, p.43.
    7Jones,A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire,284-602. Vol. Ⅰ. p.614.
    1 Ferrill, Arhur. The Fall of the Roman Empire, the Military Explanation, p.49.
    2 Ibid., p.83.
    3 Millar, Fergus. A Greek Roman Empire:Power and Belief under Theodosius 11(408-450), Brekeley, Los Angeles, London:University of California Press,2006, pp.49-50.
    4 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,7.17.1, p.175.
    5 Ibid.,7.20.2, pp.179-180.
    6 Ibid.,7.20.3, p.180.
    7 Ibid.,7.20.8, p.181.
    8 Ibid.,7.20.9,p.181.
    9 Ibid.,7.20.4, p.180.
    10 Ibid.,7.1.6, p.156.
    11 Ibid.,7.1.10, p.156.
    12 Ibid.,7.1.12, p.157.
    13 Ibid.,7.1.1,p.155.
    1 Eusebius. The Church History, translated by Paul L. Maier,Grand Rapids:Kregel Publications,1999,10.8,p. 368.
    2 Eusebius, Life of Constantine. translated by Averil Cameron and Stuart G. Hall. Oxford:Clarendon Press,1999. Ⅳ.6. p.155参见Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,27.12.17-19.
    3 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.4.
    4 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.25.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅳ 36.
    2 Zosimus, New History,2.34.2, p.39:
    3 Ibid.,2.42.1, p.42.
    4 Ibid.,2.54.1, p.47.
    5 Ibid.,4.30-31,pp.83-84.
    6 Ibid.,4.33,p.85.
    2Zosimus, New History,3.8,p.53.
    3 Ibid.,4.12.1.p.75.
    1 Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army, church, and state in the age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, Oxfod:Clarendon Press,1990, p.10.
    2 Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army, church, and state in the age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, pp.114-118.
    3 Zosimus. New history,5.13-22, pp.105-110. Eunapius, fragments 67.1-69.4, In:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp.103-113.
    1Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.6. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.4.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅵ.6.
    3 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.4.
    4 Liebeschuetz,J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army,church, and state in the age ofArcadius and Chrysostom,p.125.
    6 Zosimus. New history,5.7.5-6, p.102.
    7 Bury,J.B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ. pp.110-112.
    8 Bury,J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ. pp.113-114.
    9 Zosimus. New history,5.7.3-4,p.102.
    10 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.6. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.4. Zosimus.New history,5.19. pp.108-109.
    11 Zosimus,New history,5.19.3,p.108.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, VIII.4. Zosimus. New history,5.20.1, p.109.
    2 Cameron, Averil. The Mediterranean world in late antiquity AD 395-600, London and New York:Routledge, 1993,pp.16-17.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.23.
    4 Zosimus. New history,5.19.1,p.108.
    1 Ibid.,5.19.3, p.108.
    2 Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.6.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Eunapius, fragments 71.3, in:Blockley. R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius. Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 115.
    5 Williams, Stephen. and Friell. Gerard. The Rome that Did Not Fall:The Survival of the East in the Fifth Century, London and New York:Routledge,1999, p.30.
    1 Cameron, Averil. Ward-Perkins, Bryan. Whitby, Michael. The Cambridge Ancient History, Vol.14. Late Antiquity:Empire and Successors, A. D.425-600, pp.46-47.
    2 Zosimus. New history,5.32-34, pp.116-117.
    4 Zosimus. New history,2.29.5-2.30.1, p.37.
    5 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor, Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.37.
    1关于拜占廷城,其建设者众说纷纭,有人说是柏扎思(Byzas),有人说是柏扎思与安特斯(Antes),有人说是某个宙克普斯(Zeuxippus),一般认为是来自麦加拉(Megara)的殖民者(参见Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, London and New York:Continum,2007, p.24.)。
    3 Zosimus. New history,2.30.1-2, p.37.
    5 Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth, Eastern Europe,500-1453, p.31.
    6埃格纳提亚大道由亚得里亚海岸城市杜拉克乌姆(Dyrrachium,今日阿尔巴尼亚海港城市都拉斯)起,向东横越德里纳河与瓦尔达尔河,经过塞萨洛尼加后,继续向东绕过色雷斯地区的罗多佩(Rhodope)山脉,跨越马里萨河直抵君士坦丁堡,它连接亚得里亚海、爱琴海与博斯普鲁斯海峡,是自意大利半岛越亚得里亚海岸抵达君士坦丁堡、黑海与小亚细亚的最短、最直接的陆上路线(Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth, Eastern Europe,500-1453, p.40.)。
    7辛吉杜努姆——君士坦丁堡大道大体上循多瑙河与马里萨河(the Maritsa)河谷而行,一个普通旅行者 自起点至终点大约要花费一个月,而帝国信使则可能只需要一半的时间(Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth, Eastern Europe,500-1453, p.37.)。
    1Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth, Eastern Europe,500-1453, p.38.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.16.
    3 1斯塔迪昂约合185公尺。参见(古希腊)希罗多德:《历史》,第681页,“本书中主要度量衡币制单位折算表”。
    4 Zosimus. New history,2.30.4, p.37.
    5 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.16.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.37. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, VI.39.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.1. Sozomen,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.1.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.1.
    9 Cameron, Alan. "The Empress and the Poet:Paganism and Politics at the Court of Theodosius Ⅱ", in Cameron, Alan. Literature and Society in the Early Byzantine World, London:Variorum Reprints,1985, pp.240-241.
    1 Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.46.
    2 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.72.
    3 Cameron, Alan. "The Empress and the Poet:Paganism and Politics at the Court of Theodosius Ⅱ",p.241.
    4 Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.46.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.32.
    6 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle of Mursa Major
    7 Luttwak. Edward N. The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire:From the First Century A. D. to the Third. Baltimore and London:The John Hopkins University Press,1976, p.55.
    9 Luttwak, Edward N. The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire:From the First Century A. D. to the Third, p. 57.
    1 Ibid., pp.66-67.
    2Ferril, Arther. The Fall of the Roman Empire:The Military Explanation, p.25.
    5 Luttwak, Edward N. The Grand Strategy of the Roman Empire:From the First Century A. D. to the Third, p. 132.
    6 Ibid., pp.132-134.
    7 Southern, Pat. and Dixon, Karen Ramsey. The Late Roman Army, New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1996, p.133.
    1 Petrikovits, Harald Von. "Fortifications in the North-Western Roman Empire from the Third to the Fifth Centuries A. D.",in The Journal of Roman Studies, Vol.61.1971, p.181.
    2 Ibid., p.181.
    3 Ibid., p.184.
    4 Ibid., p.188.
    5 Ibid., pp.183-184.
    6 Ibid.,pp.188-189.
    7 Ibid.,p.187.
    8 Ibid.,p.187.
    1 Ibid.,p.181.
    2 Southern, Pat. and Dixon, Karen Ramsey. The Late Roman Army, p.142.
    3 Petrikovits, Harald Von. "Fortifications in the North-Western Roman Empire from the Third to the Fifth Centuries A. D.", p.184.
    4 Ibid., p.188.
    5 Southern, Pat. and Dixon, Karen Ramsey. The Late Roman Army, p.142-145.
    6 Petrikovits, Harald Von. "Fortifications in the North-Western Roman Empire from the Third to the Fifth Centuries A. D.", p.184.
    7 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Geslarum, Vol.2,25.8.14, p.545.
    8 Zosimus, New History,3.31.1, p.66.
    9 Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,13.39, p.187.
    1 Greatrex, Geoffrey. and Lieu. Samuel N. C. edited. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars, Part Ⅱ AD 363-630, A Narrative sourcebook. p.16.
    2 Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,13.41, p.188. Greatrex,Geoffrey. and Lieu. Samuel N. C. edited. The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. Part Ⅱ AD 363-630. A Narrative sourcebook. p.16.
    3 Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,13.40, p.188.
    4 Geoffrey. and Lieu, Samuel N. C. edited, The Roman Eastern Frontier and the Persian Wars. Part Ⅱ AD 363-630. A Narrative sourcebook, pp.35-36.
    5 Pharr, Clyde. translated. The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,15.1.34. p.427
    1 Baynes, Norman H. edited, Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1948.p.306.陈志强:《拜占延学研究》,第291-292页。
    2 Millar, Fergus. "Emperors, Frontiers and Foreign Relations,31 B. C. to A. D.378", in Britannia, Vol.13,1982, pp.4-5.
    3 Ibid.,p.11.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.34.
    2 Gwatkin,H. M. and Whitney,J. P. The Cambridge Medieval History,Vol.Ⅰ,p.296.
    3 Bullough, Vern L. "The Roman Empire vs. Persia,363-502:a study of successful deterrence", p.57.
    1 Baynes, Norman H. "Rome and Armenia in the Fourth Century", p.631.
    2 Ibid., pp.639-640.
    3 Ibid., pp.640-643.
    4 Bullough, Vern L. "The Roman Empire vs. Persia,363-502:a study of successful deterrence", p.60.
    5 Ibid., p.64.
    6 Shahid, Irfan. Bvzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, pp.17-19.
    7 Mayerson, Philip. "Saracens and Romans:Micro-Macro Relationship", p.76.
    1Shahid, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, pp.22-24.
    2 Fisher, Greg. "A New Perspective on Rome's Desert Frontier", in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research,No.336, Nov.,2004. p.54.
    3 Zosimus, New History,4,22.1-2,pp.79-80.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.1. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.1.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.36. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38. Rufinus, The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia,11.6, p.68.
    6 Shahid, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, pp.143-144.
    1 Gordon, C. D. "Subsidies in Roman Imperial Defence", in Phoenix, Vol.3, No.2, Autumn,1949, pp.60-61.
    2 Ibid., pp.63-64.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.18.
    4 Eusebius, Life of Constantine,4.7.3, p.156.
    5 Philostorgius, Church History,3.4, p.40.
    6 Gordon, C. D. "Subsidies in Roman Imperial Defence", p.64, note 31; p.66.
    7 Jordanes, The Gothic History ofJordanes,ⅩⅩⅦ.141-142, pp.90-91.
    9 Jordanes, The Gothic History ofJordanes,ⅩⅩⅧ.143-145, pp.91.
    10 Priscus, fragments 2, in Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus,Ⅱ.(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp.225-227.
    11 Olympiodorus, fragments,19, in Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire:Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ.(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 183.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.5.
    2 Zosimus, New History,5.41-6.12,pp.121-131. Sozomen,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.6-8. Olympiodorus, fragments,8-11. pp. in Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire: Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus,Ⅱ.(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes),161-169.
    3 Shepard, Jonathan. and Franklin, Simon. edited, Byzantine Diplomacy,Aldershot:Ashgate Variorum,1992, p. 8.
    1 Philostorgius, Church History,3.4, pp.40-41.
    2 Ibid.,3.4, p.40.
    4 Shahid, Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, pp.93-95.
    1 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅵ.38.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.19. Rufinus,The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia, Book 10 and 11. 10.9-10. pp.18-20. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.24. Theodoret. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.22.
    3 Athanasius. Select Writings and Letters ofAthanasius, Bishop of Alexandria, edited by Archibald Robertson, Grand Rapids. Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1957, pp.250-251.
    4 Philostorgius, Church History,3.6, p.43.
    5 Shahid,Irfan. Byzantium and the Arabs in the Fourth Century, p.91.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.20. Rufinus, The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia, Book 10 and 11, 10.11, pp.20-23. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.7. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.23.
    3 Rufinus, The Church History of Rufinus of Aquileia, Book 10 and 11, pp.47-48, note 21.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.33.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.37.
    3 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.33.
    4 Philostorgius, Church History,2.5, pp.20-21关于乌尔法拉是否曾经出使,有学者存疑,参见Sivan. Hagith. "Ulfila's Own Conversion", in The Harvard Theological Review, Vol.89, No.4,Oct.,1996, pp.379-380.
    1 Heather, Peter, and Matthews, John.The Goths in the Fourth Century, p.96.
    2 Ibid., pp.104-110.
    3 Ibid., pp.113-117.
    4 Heather. Peter,The Goths, p.60.
    5 Heather, Peter, and Matthews, John. The Goths in the Fourth Century, p.104.
    1 (南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜占廷帝国》,第26页。
    1 Jones. A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602. Vol.Ⅰ., pp.41-42.(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第27-28页;(法)菲迪南·罗特:《古代世界的终结》,第13-14页;(南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜占廷帝国》,第26页;(英)迈克尔·格兰特:《罗马史》,第297-298页。
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ., p.41.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2参见Zosimus, New History,2.8.1, p.28.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2参见Zosimus, New History,2.9-2.10.2, pp.28-29.
    4 Zosimus, New History,2.10.3, p.29.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2. Zosmius, New History,2.11, pp.29-30. Lactantius, "Of the Manner in which the Persecutors Died", in Roberts, Alexander. and Donaldson, Jame. edited, Translations of The Writings of the Fathers down to A. D.325, Vol.12, Fathers of the Third and Fourth Centuries:Lactantius, Venantius, Asterius, Victorinus, Dionysius, Apostolic Teaching and Constitutions, Homily and Litugies(American Edition), Grand Rapids, Michigan:WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company,1956,27,29, pp.312-313.
    6尤西比乌斯称马克西米·达亚自立为帝,拉克坦提乌斯则称伽勒里乌斯为平息马克西米·达亚的不满,被迫授予其“奥古斯都”的称号,参见Eusebius, The Ecclesiastical History,8.13, p.308. Lactantius, "Of the Manner in which the Persecutors Died",31-32, pp.313-314.
    1 (瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第30页,第216页。
    3 Jones,A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602,Vol.1., p.42.
    4 (英)迈克尔·格兰特:《罗马史》,笫306页
    5袁波,雷大川:“从危机走向中兴——戴克里先改革刍议”,《重庆社会科学》2006年第8期,第57页参见:(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第33-36页:Williams. Stephen. Diocletian and the Roman Recovery. New York:Methuen, Inc.,1985. p.39, pp.58-59.
    1 (瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第30页。
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.2. Eusebius, The Ecclesiastical History,8.13, p.308. Zosimus, New History,2.10.4-6. Lactantius, "Of the Manner in which the Persecutors Died",29-30, pp.312-313(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第214页,第218-220页。
    3Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅷ.22参见张晓校:《罗马军队与帝位嬗递——从奥古斯都到君士坦丁》,第179-180页。
    1Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2. Zosimus, New History,2.9.1.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2. Zosimus, New History,2.9.2.
    3 Eusebius, Life of Constantine,4.40.1. p.168, p.328. Zosimus, New History,2.20.2, p.33. Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.6.
    4 Eusebius, The Church History,10.9, p.370. Zosimus, New History, note 47, pp.154-155. Eunapius, fragments 8, in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p.15.
    5 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.5. Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum, Ⅹ.6.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.38.
    2 Philostorgius, Church History,2.4a, p.18.
    4 Eunapius, fragments 9.3, in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus,Ⅱ(Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p.15
    5 Zosimus, New History,2.29.2, p.36.
    7 Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome under the Emperors, translated by Clare Krojzl, edited by Thomas Wiedemann, London and New York:Routledge,1996, p.448.
    8 Barnes, Timothy D. Constantine and Eusebius, London and Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1981, p.220.
    9(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第234页。Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome under the Emperors, p.448陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第73页。
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.38-40. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.34. Eutropius. Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.9. Zosimus, New History,2.39,p.41参见(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第235页。陈志强:《拜占延帝国史》,第74页。(奥)埃里希·策尔纳:《奥地利史:从开端到现代》.李澍泖,杜文棠,林荣远译.北京:商务印书馆,1981,第37-38页。
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1. Zosimus, New History,2.40.2-3. p.41.
    5 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.5,25. Zosimus, New History,2.41. pp.41-42. Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.9.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.25.32. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.1,4,7. Eunapius, fragments 11-12, in:Blockley,R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire, Eunapius, Olympiodorus. Priscus and Malchus. Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp.17-19. Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum. X.10. Zosimus.New History,2.42-55,pp.42-47.
    7Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.34. Zosimus. New History,2.55,p.47.
    8 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.34.47;Ⅲ.1. Zosimus. New History,3.1-2.9-11,pp.49-50, pp.54-56.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.22;Ⅳ.1-5. Zosimus, New History,2.30.1,35-36, p.66, pp.68-69; 4. 4-8, pp.72-74;note 66, pp.175-176.
    2Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.25. Zosimus, New History,2.43.1,p.42.
    1Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.27. Zosimus, New History,2.44, p.43. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.30.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.32. Zosimus, New History,2.46-47, pp.43-44; 2.53.1, p.46.
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.41.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅲ.16.
    3 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap,James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, p.2. Cameron. Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, p.163.
    4 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, p.19.
    1Baynes, Norman H. Byzantium:An Introduction to East Roman Civilization, p.3.
    3 Cameron, Averil. The Later Roman Empire, AD 284-430, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1993, p.39.
    4 Cameron, Averil. The Later Roman Empire, AD 284-430, p.112.
    5 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.42-47; pp.100-103. Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp.18-21(南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜占延帝国》,第26-27页。关于各地行省分割的具体情况,参见Barnes, Timothy D. The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England:Harvard University Press, 1982, pp.209-225.
    6 Zosimus, New History,2.33.1-3, pp.38-39.
    2 Ibid.,2.34.2,p.39.
    3 Goffart. Walter."Zosimus. The First Historian of Rome's Fall", in The American Historical Review, Vol.76. No. 2,Apr.,1971, p.413.
    4 Goffart, Walter."Zosimus, The First Historian of Rome's Fall", p.416.
    1 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, p.18.
    3 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, p.18.
    4 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp.29-30.(南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜占廷帝国》,第28页。陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第372-373页,第375-376页。徐家玲:《拜占庭文明》,第212页。有关执事长官的发展历史、权限变化、辖下官员、地位等级等具体论述与考证,详见Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp,24-126.;参见陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第375-376页;徐家玲:《拜占庭文明》,第211-216页。
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.2. Zosimus,New History,2. 40,p.41. Theophanes. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.56:p.57,note.9参见Cameron. Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13. pp. 2-4.
    2 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13. p.3.
    3 Zosimus, New History,2.40.3,p.41.
    4 Philostorgius. Church History,2.16a,p.33.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.2. Theophanes. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.58据现代学者研究,
    当君士坦丁一世去世时,朱利安年约6岁,参见Bowersock, G. W. Julian the Apostate, p.22. Cameron. Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient Histon Vol.13, p.3.
    6 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.34. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.7. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.32.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.2. Zosimus, New History,3. 1.1-3.2.1,p.49.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.27. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale, 284-628 AD, p.20. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.51; p.53, note.7参见(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝》,第235页。
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.25. Eunapius, fragments 8. in:Blockley. R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire. Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p.15.
    3Olympiodorus, fragments l. in:Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Later Roman Empire. Eunapius. Olympiodorus. Priscus and Malchus,Ⅱ (Text. Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 153.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.9.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅸ.1. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.63. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.126参见Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, p.133.
    3 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅸ.1.
    1Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap. James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp. 166-177.
    2 James, Liz. edited, Women, Men and Eunuchs:Gender in Byzantium,London and New York: Routledge,1997, p.169.
    3Scott,S. P. translated, The Civil Law including the Twelve Tables, the Institutes of Gaius, the Rules of Ulpian, the Opinions of Paulus, the Enactments of Justinian. and the Constitutions of Leo, Cincinnati:The Central Trust Company.1932,Vol.13,4.42.1,p.99.
    4 Ibid.,4.42.2,p.99.
    5 Tougher. Shaun. "Social transformation, gender transformation? The Court eunuch,300-900". in Brubaker. Leslie. and Smith. Julia M. H. edited, Gender in the Early Medieval World:East and west,300-900, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2004,p.78.
    1 Tougher, Shaun. "Social transformation, gender transformation? The Court eunuch,300-900", p.77.
    2 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp.199-202.陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第380页。
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.2.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅲ.1.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅵ.2,5.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅵ.8.
    1 James, Liz. edited, Women. Men and Eunuchs:Gender in Bvzantium,p.170.
    2 Zosimus. New History,5.10.4, p.104.
    3 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels,9.40.17,pp.257-258.
    4 Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,14.15, p.197. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, pp.123-124, p.127参见Greatrex, Geoffrey. and Bardill, Jonathan. "Antiochus the Praepositus:A Persian Eunuch at the Court of Theodosius Ⅱ", in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol.50,1996,pp.180-181.
    5 James, Liz. edited, Women, Men and Eunuchs:Gender in Byzantium, p.170.
    1 Tougher, Shaun. "Social transformation, gender transformation? The Court eunuch,300-900", p.73.
    2 Boak, Arthur E. R. and Dunlap, James E. Two Studies in Late Roman and Byzantine Administration, pp.182-186, pp.193-198.
    3 James, Liz. edited, Women, Men and Eunuchs:Gender in Byzantium, pp.173-174.
    4 Barnes, Timothy D. The New Empire of Diocletian and Constantine, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England:Harvard University Press,1982, p.69.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.16. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.3. Philostorgius, Church History,2.9-9a, pp.24-26. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.46.
    2 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.17.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.16,40.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.9. Eusebius, Life of Constantine,4.36, pp.166-167. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.15.
    6 Philostorgius, Church History, appendix 7.7c and 8b, p.209.
    7 Zosimus, New History,2.32.1, p.38.
    1关于君士坦丁一世在君士坦丁堡进行的建筑工程,此处对以下文献与著作中的叙述进行了综合:Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.16. Zosimus, New History,2.30.4-2.31.2, pp.37-38. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.16 and note.54. Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,13.7-8, pp.173-175. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.46.(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第287-288页。陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第95-96页。
    2 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.17. Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,13.8, p.175.
    1Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.16.
    2 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby,Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD. p.35.
    3 Whitby,Michael. and Whitby,Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD,p.35. note.110. Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.30.
    4 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.22. Zosimus. New History,5.24.4-6, pp.111-112. Palladius. The Dialogue of Palldius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom,pp.87-89. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD. p.59.
    5 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary.translated. Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD. p.64.
    6 Ibid., pp.25-26.
    7 Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.38. Sozomen,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.21.
    8 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.9. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale, 284-628 AD, p.45. Theophanes. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813,p.88.
    9Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.8.
    1 Zosimus, New History,3.11.3, p.56; p.174, note 48.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.21. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.53-55. Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.31陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第96页,第357页。
    3 Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.32.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.18.
    5 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.20.
    6 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.55.
    7 Ibid., p.69.
    8 Ibid., p.70.
    1 Ibid., p.60.
    2 Ibid., p.71, p.73.
    3 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, pp.60-61, p.65, p.69, p.70. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, pp. 144-145.
    4 Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.78. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.151.
    5 Gibbon, Edward. The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, Vol. Ⅰ, p.516陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第95页。
    6 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.3.
    8 Eunapius, Lives of Philosophers, translated by Wilmer Cave Wright, Cambridge, Massachusetts and London, England:Harvard University Press,1998, p.383参见Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p. 26.(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第286页。
    1Zosimus, New History,2.35.1, p.39.
    2 Harris, Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.29.
    3 Zosimus, New History,2.35.2, p.39.
    5 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.13. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.3. Zosimus, New History,2. 32.1, p.38. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby, Mary. translated, Chronicon Paschale,284-628 AD, p.19. Malalas, John. The Chronicle of John Malalas,13.9, p.175.
    6 Jones. A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.696-697.
    7 Ibid.,p.698.
    8 Ibid., p.697. 1Pharr,Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,14.17.1. p.418.
    2 Eunapius, Lives of Philosophers, p.383参见Harris. Jonathan. Constantinople:Capital of Byzantium, p.26.(瑞士)雅各布·布克哈特:《君士坦丁大帝时代》,第286页。
    3 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ. p.698.
    4 Pharr, Clyde. translated. The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,14.16. 1, p.417.
    5 Ibid.,14.16.3. p.417.
    8 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.16.
    9Eusebius, Life of Constantine.3.48.2,p.140.
    10 Philostorgius. Church History,2.9,p.25.
    1 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.8.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.3.
    3 Zosimus, New History,2.30.1, p.37.
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.687.
    5 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, p.185.
    6 Ibid.,p.186.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.3
    3Geanakoplos, Deno John. Byzantium:Church, Society and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes, Chicago and London:University of Chicago Press,1984, p.87.
    4 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, pp.187-188.
    1Mango,Cyril. edited, The Oxford History of Byzantium. Oxford:Oxford University Press,2002, p.27. Geanakoplos. Deno John. Byzantium:Church. Society and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eves,p.88. Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.688(南斯拉夫)乔治·奥斯特洛格尔斯基:《拜占廷帝国》,第29页。陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第369页。
    2 Cameron,Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13. p.187陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第369页。
    3 Geanakoplos, Deno John. Byzantium:Church, Society and Civilization Seen through Contemporary Eyes,p.88.
    4 Cameron,Averil. and Garnsey,Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13,pp.190-191.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.41. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby,Mary. translated. Chronicon Paschale. 284-628 AD,p.34.
    6 Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey,Peter. edited. The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13,p.38.
    8 Pharr,Clyde. translated. The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,1.6.1,p.17.
    1 Percival, Henry R. edited, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church:Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, p.55.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, V.8. Percival, Henry R. edited, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church:Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, p.277.
    3 Percival, Henry R. edited, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church:Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, p.425.
    4 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.688.
    3Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum. Vol.1.14,6,6, p.39.
    4 Ibid.,14,6,3,p.37.
    1 Ullmann, Walter. Medieval political thought. New York:Penguin Books,1979, p.20.
    2 Ullmann, Walter. Medieval political thought, pp.32-33.
    4 Canning, Joseph. A history of medieval political thought300-1450,London and New York:Routledge,1996, pp. 4-5.; Runciman, Steven. The Byzantine theocracy, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1977, p.1.
    5 Burns, J. H. The Cambridge history of medieval political thought c.350-c.1450, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1988, p.55.
    2 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅷ.9-10参见Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome under the Emperors, p.354(英)迈克尔·格兰特:《罗马史》,第269页。
    1 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅷ.9; Ⅸ.2-5,7-8,18参见Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome under the Emperors, p.355.
    2 Eutropius, Hisloriae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅸ.7-8,19.
    3 Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome under the Emperors, pp.355-356(英)迈克尔·格兰特:《罗马史》,第281页。袁波,雷大川:“从危机走向中兴——戴克里先改革刍议”,第58页。
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.3.
    5 Ibid.
    1 Eusebius. The Church History,10.8,pp.366-369. Eusebius, Life of Constantine,1.49-59,pp.89-94. Eutropius. Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.5. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.7. Zosimus. New History,2.18-29, pp.32-36.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.22. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.12,18,20. Theodoret. The Ecclesiastical Historv,Ⅱ.6.
    1瓦伦提尼安一世(364-375年)与瓦伦斯(364-378年)时期,伊利里库姆大区归西部皇帝瓦伦提尼安一世管辖,参见Zosimus.New history,4.3.1,p.71.
    2 Treadgold, Warren. Byzantium and its army 284-1081, p.11.
    3 Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius Ⅰ to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ, p.110. Vasiliev, A. A. History of the Byzantine empire324-1453, vol. Ⅰ, Madison, Milwaukee, and London:The University of Wisconsin Press,1970, p.79.
    4 Gibbon, Edward. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, vol.Ⅰ, p.468.
    7一般认为,伊利里库姆大区的西部地区在塞奥多西一世去世后,归霍诺留皇帝所有,但阿兰·卡梅隆援引法国学者格鲁梅尔(Grumel)的研究成果,认为此时整个伊利里库姆大区都在阿尔卡迪乌斯辖下,在东部政府首脑鲁菲鲁斯遇刺后,刚刚掌权且与斯提里科在短期内保持良好关系的尤特罗匹乌斯(Eutropius)可能于396年将西伊利里库姆(Western lllyricum)割让给斯提里科。具体论述参见Cameron, Alan. "Theodosius the Great and the Regency of Stilicho",in Harvard studies in classical philology,1969,vol.73, pp.270-272此外,彼得·赫赛尔也持类似观点,参见Heather, P. J. Goths and Romans 332-489, p.202第一,由于语言与文献条件所限,笔者无法逐一参阅文中所列拉丁文与希腊文文献以及格鲁梅尔的法文著作;第二,《职官录》是 研究395年之后东、西部帝国行政区划最为重要的官方文献,学者们一般认为《职官表》中有关东部帝国行政区划的记载终止于395年,有关西部地区的记载则直至瓦伦提尼安三世(ValentinianIII.425-455)时期不断有所修改,而在现存的《职官录》中,西伊利里库姆并未被列入东部帝国管辖范围,因此,在未接触到新证据之前,本文仍然沿用通常的说法。同时,有必要指出的是,如果格鲁梅尔与卡梅隆的观点成立,则斯提里科此后两次进军(见下文)的连续性与目的性更为明显:控制整个伊利里库姆大区。尤特罗匹乌斯与斯提里科、东部政府与西部政府此后关系恶化的主因也正在于此,尤特罗匹乌斯的宦官身份只是为克劳迪安对他的人身攻击提供了材料。
    2 Ostrogorsky, George. History of the Byzantine state, p.32
    3 Olympiodorus, fragment.3, in Blockley, R. C. The fragmentary classicizing historians of the Late Roman Empire:Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus, Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), p. 157参见Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius Ⅰ to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ, p.111.
    4 Claudian. Claudian.Vol.Ⅰ, trans by Maurice Platnauer. Cambridge and London:Harvard University Press,1998, pp.59-61.
    1Gwatkin,H. M. Whitney,J. R. The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.Ⅰ. p.262.
    2Cameron, Alan. "Theodosius the Great and the regency of Stilicho",pp.273-274.
    1. Gwatkin, H. M.Whitney, J. R. The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.Ⅰ, p.408.
    2401-404年东方大区长官(praefectus praetorio per Orientem),在阿尔卡迪乌斯之妻尤多西娅(Eudoxia)支持下主掌帝国事务。
    3404年任执事长官(Magister officiorum),405-414年任东方大区长官,控制朝政。
    1 Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth. Eastern Europe,500-1453. p.33.
    2Ibid., p.37.
    3 Ibid., p.40.
    4 Marcellinus. Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum,Vol. pp.603-607.
    1 Ibid.,26.7.5, p.615.
    2 Ibid.,26.7.12, p.619.
    3 Ibid.,26.9.1-11, pp.633-639.
    4 Browning, Robert.The Byzantine Empire, Washington. D. C.:The Catholic University of American Press,1992, pp.157-159.
    5Ibid., p.179.
    6 Vasiliev, A. A. History of the Byzantine Empire 324-1453, Vol.Ⅱ, p.594.
    7Obolensky, Dimitri. The Byzantine commonwealth, Eastern Europe,500-1453, p.31.
    8 Ibid., p.38.
    1Crow.J. G. "The long walls of Thrace", in:Mango. Cyril. Dagron. Gilbert. edited. Constantinople and its hinterland. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1993. pp.119-120.
    2 Obolensky, Dimitri. The Bvzantine commonwealth. Eastern Europe.500-1453,pp.32-33.
    3Gwatkin, H. M. Whitney,J. P. The Cambridge Medieval History,vol. Ⅰ,p.261,p.457.
    4 Zosimus. New History,5.5.4. p.101.
    5Lindsay, Jack. Bvzantium into Europe, p.18.
    1 Gwatkin, H. M. Whitney, J.P. The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.Ⅰ, p.6. Bury, J.B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ, p.99关于造成这一现象的经济、政治、军事和文化因素的简要论述,可参见(英)佩里·安德森《从古代到封建主义的过渡》.第78-80页。
    2关于日耳曼人的移居以及加入罗马军队的详细统计,参见Croix, G. E. M. De. Ste. The class struggle in the ancient Greek world:From the Archaic age to the Arab conquests, pp.510-515.
    4 Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ, p.97.
    5 Ibid., p.100.
    6 Cameron, Averil. The Later Roman Empire:AD284-430. Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1993, pp. 137-138.
    7 Ostrogorsky, George. History of the Byzantine state, p.48.
    8 Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops Army, church, and state in the age ofArcadius and Chrysostom, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1990, pp.29-31.
    1 Gibbon, Edward. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, vol. Ⅰ, p.471.
    2 Gwatkin, H. M. Whitney. J.P. The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.Ⅰ, p.258.
    3Liebeschuetz,J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army, church, and state in the age ofArcadius and Chrysostom, p.30.
    4 Gwatkin, H.M. Whitney, J.P. The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.Ⅰ, p.247.
    5除此之外,在巴尔干地区可以招募到大量由外族人组成的骑兵,而骑兵自3世纪后在罗马军队中的地位日益重要。参见Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army, church, and state in the age ofArcadius and Chrysostom, p.33, p.37. Southern, Pat. Dixon, Karen. R. The Late Roman army, p.11.
    6Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ, p. 111.
    7Gwatkin, H. M. Whitney, J.R. The Cambridge Medieval History, vol.Ⅰ, p.457.
    8公元397年,北非军政长官吉尔多(Gildo)叛乱;公元406年不列颠驻军叛乱,其首领君士坦丁自立为帝。见Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ, p.121, p.187.
    9 Bury. J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ, p.169.
    10 Southern, Pat. Dixon, Karen. R. The Late Roman army, p.53.
    11 Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ, p.111.
    2 Baynes, Norman. H. "A note on professor Bury's "History of the later Roman empire"", in The Journal of Roman Studies,1922,Vol.12,p.216.
    3 Heather, Peter. The Goths, p.147.
    1Zosimus.New History,5.25,p.112.
    4Liebeschuetz,J.H.W.G.Barbarians and bishops:Army,church,and state in the age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, p.10.
    1 Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ. pp.126-135.
    2 Chadwick, Henry. The church in ancient society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, p.370.
    3 Cameron, Alan. Long, Jacqueline. Barbarians and Politics at the court of Arcadius. Berkeley:University of California Press,1993, p.104.
    4 Claudian, Claudian, vol.Ⅰ, p.65, p.69.
    5 Ibid., p.307.
    6 Ibid., pp.321-323.
    7Ibid., p.367.
    1 Ibid., pp.1-37.
    2 Ibid.,pp.51-53.
    7根据雅各布·布克哈特的估算,至3世纪末,帝国东部人口中约有十分之一是基督徒,而帝国西部人口中的基督徒约为十五分之一(Burckhardt. Jacob. The age of Constantine the Great, p.124),考虑到帝国西部人口少于东部,则东部基督徒的绝对数量当高于西部。
    2 Geffcken, Johannes. The last days of Greco-Roman paganism, pp.223-224.
    3 Eunapius, fragment 62.2, in in Blockley, R. C. The Fragmentary Classicising Historians of the Late Roman Empire:Eunapius, Olympiodorus, Priscus and Malchus Ⅱ (Text, Translation and Historiographical Notes), pp. 91-93. Zosimus, New History,5.1, p.99.
    4 Zosimus, New History,5.38.5, p.120.
    5 Ibid.,5.38.2-4, pp.119-120.
    6 Gibbon, Edward. The decline and fall of the Roman Empire, vol.Ⅰ, p.493.
    1 Zosimus, New History,5.11.3-4,p.104.
    2 Ibid.,5.7, p.102.
    3Bury, J.B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ. pp.110-112.
    4 Ibid., pp.113-114.
    5 Zosimus,New History,5.7,p.102.
    1 Zosimus, New History,5.17-18, p.107.
    2 Ibid., pp.108-109.
    3 Ibid.,5.21-22, pp.109-110.
    4 Liebeschuetz, J.H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army, church, and state in the age ofArcadius and Chrysostom, p.118.
    5 Zosimus, New History,5.20, p.109.
    6 Cameron, Averil. The Mediterranean world in late antiquity AD 395-600, London and New York:1993, pp. 16-17.
    7 Bury, J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius Ⅰ to the death of Justinian, vol.Ⅰ, p.160.
    8 Villari, Pasquale. The Barbarian invasions of Italy, translated by Villari, Linda. Honolulu, Hawaii:University Press of the Pacific,2004, p.69.
    1 Ibid., p.72.
    2 Ibid., p.73.
    4 Zosimus,New History,5.29. p.114.
    5Bury,J. B. History of the later Roman Empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinia n. vol.Ⅰ. p.170-171.
    6 Zosimus,New History,5.31.3, p.115.
    1 Ibid.,5.32. 1,p.116.
    2 Ibid.,5.34, p.117.
    3 Ibid.,5.35, pp.117-118.
    1关于摩尼生平的简要介绍,可参见Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001, pp.170-172关于摩尼教与犹太教、基督教、祆教、佛教等的关系以及摩尼教的起源、教义、发展与传播等诸多问题,限于笔者学力与本文主题,在此不做赘述。
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.22.
    1 Ibid.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅰ.23-39.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅱ.28.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅴ.1.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅵ.9.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅶ.32.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.22.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅲ.2.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅴ.16.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅶ.13.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅶ.15.
    1关十发生在叙利亚因梅斯塔尔的犹太人与基督徒之间的冲突,就笔者目前能接触的资料而言,只有苏格拉底言及此事,如果确有此事,且经过确如苏格拉底所叙述是由于犹太人洒醉而引起的,那么或许可归为偶然性事件成为两个互相只有敌意的社会群体之间冲突的导火线。Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ. 16.
    2对这4次发生在亚历山大里亚的非基督徒与基督徒之间的冲突本身的考证与分析,可参见Alston. Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, pp.286-291. Casiday. Augustine. and Norris. Frederick W. edited. The Cambridge History of Christianity, Vol.2. Constantine to C.600. pp.183-185.
    3 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.13.
    1一般认为,诺斯替教派是早期基督教中的一个异端教派,强调通过秘密的知识获得拯救,也有学者认为诺斯替教派是独立于基督教的一种宗教运动。参见范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学——东西方文化的汇合》,上海:上海人民出版社,1993年版,第293页。关于诺斯替教派的一般性介绍,参见Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.89-92. Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of Christianity, Philadelphia:Fortress Press,1984, pp.195-218.(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,吴瑞诚、徐成德译,周学信校订,北京:北京大学出版社,2003年版,第17-29页;(美)布鲁斯·雪莱:《基督教会史》,刘平译,北京:北京大学出版社,2004年版,第55-60页;范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学——东西方文化的汇合》,第293-300页;章雪富、石敏敏:《早期基督教的演变及多元传统》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2003年版,第153-156页;徐怀启:《古代基督教史》,上海:华东师范大学出版社,1988年版,第337-351页;等等。关于诺斯替教派教义的研究,可参见(德)哈纳克:《论马克安:陌生上帝的福音》,朱雁冰译,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2007年版;(美)汉斯·约纳斯:《诺斯替宗教:异乡神的信息与基督教的开端》,张新樟译,上海:上海三联书店,2006年版;张新樟:《“诺斯”与拯救—古代诺斯替主义的神话哲学与精神修炼》,北京:生活·读书·新知三联书店,2005年版;等等。
    5 Russell, Norman. Theophilus of Alexandria, London and New York:Routledge,2007, p.5.
    1Eusebius, The Church History,5.10,p.185.
    3Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.161-165美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第72-73页,第208-209页。章雪富、石敏敏:《早期基督教的演变及多元传统》,第165-167页。
    7 Russell, Norman. Theophilus of Alexandria, p.6.
    2关于对朱利安宗教政策的具体分析与评价,可参见Mommsen, Theodor. A History of Rome Under the Emperors, pp.470-474. Bowersock, G. W. Julian the Apostate,pp.79-93. Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of Christianity, pp.600-509. Geffcken, Johannes. The Last days of Greco-Roman Paganism, pp.136-158. Errington, R. Malcolm, Roman Imperial Policy from Julian to Theodosius, Chapel Hill:The University of North Carolina Press,2006, pp. 171-173. Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter.edited, The Cambridge Ancoent History Vol.ⅩⅢ, pp.62-67, pp. 543-548武鹏:“拜占延皇帝朱利安宗教政策的经济社会原因分析”,载《历史教学》2005年第6期,第
    3 Philostorgius, Church History,7.2, p.89.
    4 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅴ.7.
    5 Marcellinus, Ammianus. Rerum Gestarum, Vol.2,22.11.2-11, pp.259-263有学者认为阿里米叙述中提到的神庙指的是塞拉匹斯神庙,参见Alston, Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, p.289.
    6 Geffcken, Johannes. The Last days of Greco-Roman Paganism, p.140
    7 Alston, Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, p.289.
    8 Julian, The Works of the Emperor Julian, Vol.Ⅲ, translated by Wilmer Cave Wright, Cambridge:Harvard University Press,1993, Letter 21, p.63. Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.3.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.9-10. Theodoret. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.3. Whitby, Michael. and Whitby,Mary, translated. Chronicon Paschale 284-628 AD,pp.37-38. Theophanes. The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813. pp.76-78.
    1 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.15.
    2 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutins,16.10.11, p.473.
    3 Ibid.,16.10.12, pp.473-474.
    4 Casiday, Augustine. and Norris, Frederick W. edited, The Cambridge History of Christianity, Vol.2, Constantine to C.600,p.183.
    5 Ibid.
    1 Alston. Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, p.291.
    2 Ibid., p.292.
    3 Casiday,Augustine. and Norris. Frederick W. edited, The Cambridge History of Christianity,Vol.2. Constantine to C.600. pp.184-185.
    4 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.13,15.
    5 Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria. London and New York:Routledge,2000,p.3.
    6 Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.7. Alston, Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, p.289.
    7Dzielska. Maria. Hypatia of Alexandria. London. England and Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1995, pp.87-89.
    1Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.6.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.28.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅴ.25.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅵ.18.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅲ.25-26;Ⅳ.32.
    6 Vanderspoel, John. Themistius and the Imperial Court:Oratory, Civic Duty, and Paideia from Constantius to Theodosius, Ann Arbor:The University of Michigan Press,1995, p.87. Stertz, Stephen A. "Themistius:A Hellenic Philosopher-Statesman in the Christian Roman Empire", in The Classical Journal, Vol.71, No.4, Apr.-May, 1976, p.351.
    1 Vanderspoel,John. Themistius and the Imperial Court:Oratory, Civic Duty, and Paideia from Constantius to Theodosius,p.208参见Penella, Robert J. The Private Orations of Themistius. Berkeley·Los Angeles·London: University of California Press,2000, pp.1-2. Stertz. Stephen A. "Themistius:A Hellenic Philosopher-Statesman in the Christian Roman Empire", p.354.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical Historv,Ⅴ.14.
    3 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602. Vol.Ⅰ,p.332.
    4 Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum, Ⅹ.8,15,16,18.
    5 Eutropius. Historiae Romanae Breviarum,Ⅹ.16.
    6 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.13.22;Ⅳ.1.
    8 Momigliano, Arnaldo. edited. The Conflict Between Paganism and Christianity in the Fourth Century,Oxford: Clarendon Press,1963,p.25.
    1 Ibid., p.24.
    2 Macmullen, Ramsay. Christianizing the Roman Empire (A. D.100-400), New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1984, p.47.
    4 Eusebius, The Church History,4.11, pp.143-144; 4.15-18, pp.152-156. Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.93-99.(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第49-52页。范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学—东西方文化的汇合》,第281-285页.
    5 Eusebius, The Church History,4.16, p.154; 4.29, pp.163-164范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学—东西方文化的汇合》,第285页。
    6 Eusebius, The Church History,4.24, p.160(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第54-55页。
    7 Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.124-129(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第79-80页。范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学—东西方文化的汇合》,第309-313页。
    1 Chadwick. Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.118-122(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第76页,第86页。
    2范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学—东西方文化的汇合》,第314-315页。参见Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp135-144页。(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,笫93-106页。
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.16.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅱ.46.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅲ.16.
    7 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.3. Sozomen, The ecclesiastical history,Ⅷ.2.
    8 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ.26.
    9Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.16. Sozomen. The ecclesiastical history,Ⅴ.18.
    10 Theodoret:The Ecclesiastical History,prolegomena, p.12.
    11 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.16.
    1 Basil, "To young men, on how they might derive profit from pagan literature", in St. Basil, The Letters,Ⅳ, translated by Roy J. Deferrari, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1970,Ⅲ,1-4.
    2 Dzielska, Maria. Hypatia of Alexandria, pp.27-65.
    3Mevendorff, John. Byzantine Theology:Historical Trends and Doctrinal Themes, p.20.
    4 Macmullen, Ramsay. Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, New Heaven and London: Yale University Press,1997, p.6.
    5 Constantelos, Demetrios J. Christian Hellenism:Essays and Studies in Continuity and Change, New Rochelle, New York & Athens:Aristide D. Caratzas, Publisher,1998, p.11.
    6最典型的可能是同君士坦丁一世与塞奥多西一世有关的相关记载,参见Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,I.3.16-18.V.16.
    7 Alston, Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, p.285. Saradi-Mendelovici, Helen. "Christian Attitudes toward Pagan Monuments in Late Antiquity and Their Legacy in Later Byzantine Centuries", in The Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol.44,1990, p.49.
    1 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian,16.10.25, p.476.
    2 Trombley, Frank R. Hellenic Religion and Christianization C.370-529, Vol.2. Leidon·New York·Koln:E.J. Brill,1994. p.6, p.66, p.76, pp.78-81, p.120. pp.136-137, pp.241-246, p.259. Geffcken, Johannes. The Last Days of Greco-Roman Paganism, pp.115-136, pp.160-162, p.174, pp.225-239. Macmullen, Ramsay. Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, pp.34-42.
    1 Williams, Rowan. Arius:Heresy and Tradition (Second Edition), London:SCM Press,2001, pp.29-32, pp. 95-116. Gregg, Robert C. and Groh, Dennis E. Early Arianism-A View of Salvation, Philadelphia:Fortress Press, 1981, p.9. Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.195-198(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第138-144页。
    2 Gwatkin, H. M. and Whitney, J. P. The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.118-119. Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, p.197. Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of Christianity, pp.493-494. Casiday, Augustine. and Norris, Frederick W. edited, The Cambridge History of Christianity, Vol.2, Constantine to C.600, pp.432-433(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第139-140页。章雪富、石敏敏:《早期基督教的演变及多元传统》,第209-218页,第239-240页,第253页,第254-255页。范明生:《晚期希腊哲学和基督教神学—东西方文化的汇合》,笫321页。
    Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, p.197(美)布鲁斯·雪莱:《基督教会史》,第]09页。
    5以下关于阿里乌派争端过程的叙述,除苏格拉底的著作外,同时参考了索佐门、塞奥多里特、菲洛斯特吉乌斯的《教会史》,阿塔那修斯的《阿里乌派史》(Historia Arianorum,载于Athanasius, Select Works and Letters, pp.266-302), Gwatkin, H. M. and Whitney,J. P. The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.118-142. Gwatin, Henry Melvill. Studies ofArianism (second edition), Cambridge:Deighton Bell and CO.,1900. Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of Christianity, pp.492-543, pp.616-642. Frend, W. H. C. The Early Church, Philadelphia and New York:J. B. Lippincott Company,1966, pp.157-199. Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.195-347(美)威利斯顿·沃尔克:《基督教会史》,第132-148页。(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第138-200页。章雪富、石敏敏:《早期基督教的演变及多元传统》,第235-281页,如非必要,不再一一注明。
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.5.
    3“尼西亚信经”(The Nicene Creed)的内容参见Percival. Henry R. edited, The Seven Ecumenical Councils of the Undivided Church:Their Canons and Dogmatic Decrees, p.39中文译文如下:“我们信,独一天主全能的父,创造天地有形无形万物的主:信独一主耶稣基督,天主的独生子,在万世之前为父所生,从光而来的光,从真神而来的真神,受生而小是被造,与父同体,万物都藉着主而被造,为我们世人和拯救我们从天降临,因圣灵和童贞马利亚取着肉身,成为世人,在本丢彼拉多手下为我们钉在十字架上,被害埋葬,照《圣纤》的话第三日复活,升天,坐在父的右边,将来必有大荣耀再降临审判活人死人,主的国无穷无尽;信圣灵为主,是赐生命的,从父子而来,与父子同受崇拜,同受尊荣,曾藉着先知训言;信使徒所立独一圣而公之教会:信赦罪的独一洗礼;指望死人复活和永久生命”(陈志强:《拜占廷帝国史》,第400页,注释1)。
    4 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.6.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅰ.7.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.8参见Eusebius, Life of Constantine,Ⅲ.4-24, pp.122-131菲洛斯特吉乌斯则称只有塞奥哥尼斯与马里斯坚持支持阿里乌斯,其他人包括尤西比乌斯在内,在君士坦丁一世的妹妹君士坦提亚的建议下在表面上同意了尼西亚信经(Philostorgius, Church History,Ⅰ.9, pp.11-12.)。索佐门称尤西比乌斯与塞奥哥尼斯虽然同意信经但拒绝绝罚阿里乌斯,于是遭到皇帝下令放逐(Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.21)。塞奥多里特则称除了塞奥纳斯与塞库恩都斯之外,所有与会者都同意了尼西亚会议的决定(Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.6-7.),而根据君士坦丁一世写给尼科美地亚居民的信来看,尼科美地亚的尤西比乌斯与尼西亚的塞奥哥尼斯遭到放逐除了支持阿里乌斯之外,还由于他们曾经是李锡尼的支持者(Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.21)。有关尼科美地亚的尤西比乌斯与李锡尼之间联系的分析,参见Drake, H. A. Constantine and the Bishops:The Politics of Intolerance, Baltimore and London:The John Hopkins University Press,2000, p.236.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.14-15,23-36.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.37-39.参见Drake, H. A. Constantine and the Bishops:The Politics of Intolerance, p.393.
    1Socrates. The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅱ.2.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅱ.3.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅱ.5,8,10.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅱ.22-24.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅱ.35.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅱ.40.
    10 Ibid.,Ⅱ.45.
    11 Ibid.,Ⅱ.41.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.1,4-6,9-10.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅲ.13-14.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅲ.25.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅲ.24.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅳ.4,6-7,9,11.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅳ.13.
    9 Ibid.,Ⅳ.21-22.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅴ.7.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅴ.8.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅴ.23.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅴ.24.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅶ.6.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.3-4,参见Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, London:Duckworth,1995, p.293.
    3Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.5,参见Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, p.293.
    4 Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.34.
    5 Zosimus, New History,5.23-24, pp.111-112.
    1 Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, p. ⅹⅱ.参见Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, translated by Sr. M. Gonzaga, London and Glasgow, Sands & Co. (Publishers) LTD,1959, Vol.Ⅰ. p. ⅹⅶ. Mayer, Wendy. "Constantinopolitan Women in Chrysostom's Circle", in Vigiliae Christinae, Vol.53, No.3, Aug.,1999. pp.265-288. Mayer, Wendy. and Allen, Pauline. John Chrysostom, London and New York:Routledge,2000, p. ⅶ.
    2 Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp.479-509. Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of Christianity, pp.749-752. Frend, W. H. C. The Early Church, pp.222-224.
    3Bury, J. B. History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius Ⅰ. to the Death of Justinian, Vol. Ⅰ, pp.138-160. Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. Barbarians and Bishops:Army, Church, and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1990, pp.157-227. Liebeschuetz, J. H. W. G. From Diocletian to the Arab Conquest:Change in the Late Roman Empire, Aldershot:Variorum,1990. pp.1-31, pp.85-111.
    4Russell, Norman. Theophilus of Alexandria, p. ⅶ, pp.17-34.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.3. Palladius, The Dialogue ofPalladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, New York:The Macmillan Company,1921, p.37. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol.Ⅰ. pp.1-5. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, pp. 4-5.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.3. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.2. Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, pp.37-38. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time. Vol.Ⅰ. pp.22-26. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, pp.6-7.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.3. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.2. Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, p.38. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol. Ⅰ, pp.89-99. Kelly. J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, pp.14-23.
    2 Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, p.39. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.104-113, pp.134-137. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, pp.24-35.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.44, Ⅵ.3. Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, p.38. Chadwick, Henry. The Church in Ancient Society:From Galilee to Gregory the Great, pp. 415-432. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.45-86. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth: The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, pp.9-13. Wendy, and Allen, Pauline. John Chrysostom, pp.5-6.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅵ.3. Palladius,The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, pp.39-40. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol.Ⅰ, pp.141-143, pp.180-187, pp. 190-230,pp.373-386. Kelly,J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop. pp.36-103.
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.2. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.2. Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom. pp.40-42. Baur. Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time. Vol. Ⅱ. pp.1-14. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher. bishop, pp.104-114. Liebeschuetz. J. H. W. G. Barbarians and Bishops:Army. Church, and State in the Age of Arcadius and Chrysostom, p.166. Russell, Norman. Theophilus of Alexandria, p.17.
    2 Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.3.9. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.28. Palladius. The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysoslom. pp.44-47. Baur. Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol.Ⅱ. pp.56-69. Kelly, J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom ascetic. preacher. bishop, pp.118-127.
    3Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.4. Baur. Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time. Vol. Ⅱ. p.69.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅵ.7,9-12,14-18,21;Ⅶ.45. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ. 11-28. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.34,36. Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, pp.48-97. Baur, Chrysostomus. John Chrysostom and His Time, Vol. Ⅱ, pp.192-323, pp.341-372, pp.458-463.Kelly,J. N. D. Golden Mouth:The Story of John Chrysostom-ascetic, preacher, bishop, pp.191-290. Russell, Norman. Theophilus of Alexandria, pp.18-34.
    2约翰本人是安条克学派的成员之一,而安条克学派与亚历山大里亚学派在神学观点上多有不同。参见(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,笫207-217页。对奥利金神学观点的认识不同可能也是导致塞奥菲鲁斯与约翰冲突的原因之一。参见Russell, Norman. Theophilus of Alexandria, pp.18-28.
    1 (美)威利斯顿·沃尔克:《基督教会史》,第164页。
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅵ.35. Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.6.
    3Mayer. Wendy. "Constantinopolitan Women in Chrysostom's Circle", pp.274-275.
    4布瑞称金口约翰对上层社会成员生活与下层社会成员苦难的观察与比较令他看上去“几科是一个社会主义者”(Bury,J. B. History of the Later Roman Empire:From the Death of Theodosius Ⅰ. to the Death of Justinian. Vol. Ⅰ. p.139.).
    5 Zosimus,New History,5.24.3,p.111.
    1普罗库鲁斯曾任读经者,在成为君士坦丁堡主教阿提库斯(Atticus,主教任职期406-426年)的秘书后,被阿提库斯提升为执事,后又晋升为长老。当阿提库斯去世时,主教职位的竞争是在腓力、普罗库鲁斯与西西留斯之间展开:教职人员分为两派,分别支持腓力与普罗库鲁斯;平信徒则支持西西留斯,最后西西留斯成为君士坦丁堡主教。适逢君士坦丁堡主教管辖下的西资库斯(Cyzicus)教区主教去世,西西留斯于是任命普罗库鲁斯为西资库斯主教,但是当地教会信徒在普罗库鲁斯出发上任之前,就拥立修道士达尔马提乌斯(Dalmatius)为主教,结果普罗库鲁斯无法管理自己的教区,只能继续留在君士坦丁堡。(Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.26,28,41)
    2Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅶ.29. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, pp.137-138. Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, New York:Burt Franklin Reprints,1975, pp.27-28. Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of the Monophysite Movement:Chapters in the History of the Church in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1972, p.16.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅶ.29.
    1Ibid.关于聂斯脱利的生平以及在君士坦丁堡主教任期内的作为,苏格拉底的著作是最为集中且最丰富的资料来源。6世纪的修道士埃瓦格里乌斯(Evagrius)在其《教会史》正文的开始就描绘了聂斯脱利争端,并对聂斯脱利在遭遇放逐后的情况进行了记录,但对聂斯脱利在君士坦丁堡主教任内的事件只叙述了他与亚历山大里亚主教西里尔的神学争论(参见Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History(AD431-594), translated by E. Walford, London:Samuel Bagster and Sons,1846,Ⅰ.2-7)此外,聂斯脱利本人有著作传世,对聂斯脱利派争端也有描述,但其中也未提及他在君士坦丁堡任职期间的日常事务(参见Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, translated by G. R. Driver, Oxford:Clarendon Press,1925.)。
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.31.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅶ.32. Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594),Ⅰ.2.
    3 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.138.
    4 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.138.参见Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.34-35.
    5 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.138.参见Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.33-34.
    1关于西里尔的信件以及聂斯脱利的看法,参见Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, pp.101-105. Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594),1.3关于西里尔写给聂斯脱利的信件全文,可参见Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.131-174.
    2 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.139. Russell. Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.35-38.
    3 Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.42.
    4 Nestorius. The Bazaar of Heracleides, p.104.
    5 Russell, Norman. Cvril of Alexandria,p.38.
    6 Loofs. Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine. p.45.
    7 Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, p.106参见Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.46. Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.47.
    8 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.140. Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.46-47.关于聂斯脱利与西里尔到达以弗所的先后时间,也可参见Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.34美国学者奥尔森与国内学者王美秀等认为西里尔首先到达以弗所以及聂斯脱利没有前往以弗所的说法,似乎与相关文献资料相悖,具体参见(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第228页。王美秀、段琦、文庸、乐峰等著:《基督教史》,南京:江苏人民出版社,2006年版,第53页。
    1 Nestorius, The Bazaar ofHeracleides,pp.106-108.
    2 Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.48.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.34.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.34. Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594), I.4-5. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, pp. 140-141. Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, pp.269-278.
    5 Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, p.135, pp.267-268.
    6 Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, p.135, p.279. Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.51.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.34.
    8 Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, pp.279-281.
    9 Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594),Ⅰ.7. Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.51 Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, pp.49-50(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第229页。
    10 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.35.
    1 Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides. pp.289-290. Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594),
    ].5. Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.53.
    2 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.34. Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594),Ⅰ.6. Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.52-56. Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, pp.53-54(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第229页。关于安条克的约翰到此时才同意对聂斯脱利的绝罚,参见Nestorius, The Bazaar ofHeracleides, p.329关于西里尔同意的信仰条款译文,见王美秀、段琦、文庸、乐峰等著:《基督教史》,第53页。
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.34. Evagrius Scholasticus, Ecclesiastical History (AD431-594), I.7. Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and Near Eastern History AD 284-813, p.141. Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.58(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,笫218页。
    4 Pharr, Clyde. translated. The Theodosian Code and Novels,16.5.66, p.463.
    6苏格拉底认为聂斯脱利对“神之母”这一词语的恐惧至多揭示了他的无知而不能称他为异端,声称聂斯脱利虽然是一个天才的演讲者,但却不学无术,他不知道在他之前的许多著名教父就曾经用过这个短语(Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, VII.32.);苏格拉底之后的另一名教会史家埃瓦格里乌斯则称聂斯脱利为渎神的异端(Evagrius Scholasticus. Ecclesiastical History(AD431-594),Ⅰ.2.)。现代学者中,奥尔森认为西里尔对聂斯脱利的批评言之有理,参见(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第225页;安纳斯托斯则认为聂斯脱利是个伟大的神学家而非异端(Anastos, Milton V. "Nestorius Was Orthodox", in Dumbarton Oaks Papers, Vol.16,1962. p.140.);鲁弗斯称聂斯脱利并未犯下其敌人指控的罪行,他的遭遇是“一场悲剧”(Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.60.)在列举了前人大量关于聂斯脱利的学说是否合乎正统的观点后,布拉滕认为,聂斯脱利如果没有得到一致的赞同的话,那么他也几乎得到了普遍的同情(Braaten. Carl E. "Modern Interpretations of Nestorius", in Church History, Vol.32, No. 3, Sep.,1963, p.265.)。
    1Gwatkin, H. M. and Whitney, J. P. The Cambridge Medieval History, Vol. Ⅰ, pp.495-496. Cameron, Averil. and Garnsey, Peter. edited, The Cambridge Ancient History Vol.13, p.37.(美)布鲁斯·雪莱:《基督教会史》,第119-120页。
    2 Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, pp.39-40(美)奥尔森:《基督教神学思想史》,第219-221页。(美)布鲁斯·雪莱:《基督教会史》,第120页。
    3 Frend, W. H. C. The Rise of the Monophysite Movement:Chapters in the History of the Church in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries, p.17(美)布鲁斯·雪莱:《基督教会史》,第122页。徐家玲:“论早期拜占庭的宗教争论问题”,第57-58页。
    5 Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.42.
    8 Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.45.
    9 Loofs, Friderich. Nestorius and his Place in the History of Christian Doctrine, p.48. Russell, Norman. Cyril of Alexandria, p.51; p.220, note.107.
    10 Nestorius, The Bazaar of Heracleides, pp.96-97.
    2 Hannah, Ian C. Christian Monasticism:A Great Force in History. New York:The Macmillan Company,1925, p. 21.
    3Athanasius. Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus. translation and introduction by Robert C. Gregg, New Jersey:Paulist Press,1980,pp.42-43.
    1 Philo, "On the contemplative life or suppliants(De Vita Contemplativa)", in:Philo, Vol. Ⅸ., translated by F. H. Colson, Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press,1995,1.2,Ⅱ.13-21.
    2 Eusebius, The Church History,2.17, pp.73-76.
    3 Sozomen, The ecclesiastical history,Ⅰ,12.
    4 Eusebius, The Church History,p.73, note 1.
    5 Philo, "On the contemplative life or suppliants (De Vita Contemplativa)", introduction, pp.104-108.
    6 Jerome, "The Life of St. Paul the First Hermit", in Waddell, Helen.translated, The Desert Fathers, Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press,1957, pp.30-37.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅳ,23.
    8 Athanasius, Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, p.32.
    9 Socrates, The ecclesiastical history,Ⅰ.21.
    10 Athanasius, Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, p.29.
    1 Dunn,Marilyn. The Emergence of Monasticism:From the Desert Fathers to the Early Middle Ages, pp.9-10.
    2 Athanasius,Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, preface, p. ⅹⅶ
    3如《致各教会的公开信》(Encyclical Epistle to the Bishops Throughout the World)《反阿里乌派》(Against the Arians)《反阿里乌派的四篇演讲词》Four Discourses against the Arians)《阿里乌派史》(History of the Arians)等。
    4 Athanasius. Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, preface, p. xiv.
    5 Ibid., p.30.
    6 Ibid., p.31.
    7 Bagnall, Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity. Princeton:Princeton University Press,1993,p.310.
    8 Ibid., pp.117-119.
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman empire 284-602, Vol. Ⅱ, p.772.
    2 Athanasius, Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, p.30.
    3 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅲ,16. Sozomen, The ecclesiastical history,Ⅴ,18.
    4 Theodoret:The Ecclesiastical History, prolegomena, p.12.
    1 Basil. "To young men. on how they might derive profit from pagan literature", in St. Basil. The Letters,Ⅳ. translated by Roy J. Deferrari. Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press,1970,Ⅲ.1-4.
    2Athanasius. Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, p.31.
    1 Ibid.,p.31.
    2 Ibid.,p.31.
    3 Ibid., p.30笔者此前发表于《史林》2009年第2期的论文中,对这个问题的叙述有误,现予以改正,并就此粗疏之失向读者及《史林》杂志礼致歉。参见董晓佳:“浅议基督教修道生活兴起于埃及的经济与社会结构因素——从安东尼的社会地位谈起”,《史林》2009年第2期,第138页。
    4 Downey, Glanville. "The Olympic Games of Antioch in the Fourth Century A. D.", in Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association, Vol.70,1939, p.429.
    1 Synesius. The Letters of Synesius of Cyrene. translated by Augustine Fitzgerald. London:Oxford University Press,1926. introduction, pp.14-19.
    2 Ibid., p.102.
    3 Ibid., pp.105-106.
    4 Ibid., pp.163-165.
    5 Ibid., pp.254-255.
    6 Ibid., pp.203-204.
    7 Ibid., pp.167-168.
    8 Ibid.,pp.169-171.
    Saint Basil. The Letters I, translated by Roy J. Deferrari. Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1972,introduction, p. ⅹⅵ.
    10 Ibid.,Letter ⅩⅤ,p.113.
    11 Saint Basil. The Letters II. translated by Roy J. Deferrari, Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press. 1988. Letter LXXXⅢ. pp.107-109.
    12 Saint Basil. The Letters Ⅰ. Letter LXXXⅦ. p.117.
    13 Ibid., pp.205-211.
    14 Ibid., pp.211-213.
    1Dodds, E. R. Pagan and Christian in an age of anxiety, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1965, p.3.
    2 Athanasius, Life of St. Antony and the Letter to Marcellinus, p.31-32.
    3 Ibid., p.32.
    4 Ibid., p.37.
    5 Ibid., pp.39-42.
    2Bagnall,Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity.p.208.
    1 Ibid., p.59, p.70.
    2 Jones, A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.238.
    4Roger, S. Bagnall, Egypt in late antiquity, pp.114-115.
    5Cicero, "The Second Speech against Gaius Verres", in Cicero, The Verrine Orations, Vol.Ⅰ., translated by L. H. G. Greenwood, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Cambridge University Press,1989, Book Ⅱ,Ⅰ.2-Ⅲ.8
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.680.
    3 Lindsay,Jack. Byzantium into Europe, p.42.
    4 Veilleux, Armand. translated, The life of Saint Pachomius and his disciples,Vol.Ⅰ, Kalamazoo, Michigan: Cistercian Publication Inc.,1980, p.27.
    5 Hunt, A. S. and Edgar, C. C. Select Papyri, Vol. Ⅱ, Cambridge, Massachusetts:Cambridge University Press, 1995, introduction, pp. xxv-xxvi.
    6 Bagnall, Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity, p.154.
    7 Ibid.,pp.153-154.
    8 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅱ, p.769.
    9 Jones. A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602,Vol.Ⅰ,p.463.
    10 Ibid.,p.465.
    1 Bagnall, Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity, p.311.
    2 Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, second edition, Vol.Ⅰ., Oxford: Clarendon Press,1957, p.523.
    3 Hunt, A. S. and Edgar, C. C. Select Papyri, Vol. Ⅱ, p.301.
    4 Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, second edition, Vol.Ⅰ, p.524.
    5 Macmullen, Ramsay. "Imperial Bureaucrats in the Roman Provinces", in Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol.68,1964,p.307.
    6 Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, second edition, Vol.Ⅰ, p.526.
    7 Pharr, Clyde.translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,11,16,4, p.306.
    8 Ibid.,12,1,10, p.343.
    9 Ibid.,12,1,1, p.342.
    1Ibid.,12,1,12, pp.342-344.
    2 Lee. A. D. Pagans and Christians in late antiquity:A sourcebook,. London and New York:Routledge.2000. p. 201.
    3Palladius. The Lausiac History,translated by W. K. Lowther Clark. New York:The Macmillan Company,1918. chapter Ⅶ.2, p.58.
    1 Frazee, Charles A. "Late Roman and Byzantine Legislation on the Monastic Life from the Fourth to the Eighth Centuries", p.266.
    2 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol. Ⅱ, p.930.
    3 Croix, G. E. M. De Ste. The Class Struggle in the Ancient Greek World from Archaic Age to the Arab Conquests, Ithaca, New York:Cornell University Press,1981, p.478.
    4 Brown, Peter. The world of late antiquityAD150-750, London:Thames and Hudson,1989, p.34.
    5 Jones, A. H.M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.554.
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅱ. p.782. p.793.
    2Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602. Vol.Ⅰ. p.554.
    3 Starr, Chester G. The Roman empire27.B.C.-A.D.476. Oxford:Oxford University Press,1982,pp.170-171.
    4 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ. p.555.
    5 Scott, Sarah. "Elites, exhibitionism and economy in Italy,1500B.C.-A.D.1500", in:Christie, Neil. edited, Landscapes of change:Rural evolutions in late antiquity and the early middle ages, Aldershot:Ashgate Publishing Company.2004,p.42.
    6 Jones. A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602. Vol. Ⅰ. pp.554-555.
    7 Ibid., p.555.
    8 Jones. A. H. M. The decline of the ancient world, p.53.
    9Bagnall. Roger. S. Egypt in late antiquity, p.69.
    10 Ibid.,p.70.
    2Croix, G. E. M. De. Ste The class struggle in the ancient Greek world from the Archaic age to the Arab conquests, p.222.
    3 Dill, Samuel. Roman society in the last century of the western empire, New York:Meridian Books,1973, p.262.
    4 Moss, H. St. L. B. The birth of the middle ages 395-814, London, Oxford, New York:Oxford University Press, 1979, p.20.
    5 Dill, Samuel. Roman society in the last century of the western empire, p.236.
    6Lindsay, Jack. Byzantium into Europe, p.39.
    7 Duncan-Jones, R. P. "Some configurations of landholding in the Roman Empire", in Finley, M. I. edited, Studies in Roman Property, London, New York, Melbourne:Cambridge University Press,1976, p.13-14.
    8 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol. Ⅱ, p.780.
    9 Ibid., p.784.
    10 Alston, Richard. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt, p.108.
    1 The New Encyclopaedia Britannica. Vol.18. Chicago:Encyclopaedia Britannica Inc.,1993. p.129.
    2 Palladius. The Lausiac History,chapter ⅩⅣ, pp.68-69.
    3 Hannay, James O. The Spirit and Origin of Christian Monasticism. London:Methuen & CO.,1903, p.104.
    1 (美)汤普逊:《中世纪经济社会史(300-1300年)》上册,第]74页。
    2 Zosimus, New History,5.23, p.111.
    4 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol. Ⅱ, p.931.
    8 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol. Ⅱ, p.930.
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol. Ⅱ, p.931.
    1 Sterk, Andrea. Renouncing the world yet leading the church:The monk-bishop in late antiquity, Cambridge, Mass:Harvard University Press,2004. p.30.
    2 Ibid., p.24.
    3 Ibid., pp.29-30.
    4 Ibid., pp.2-3.
    5 Ibid., pp.62-65.
    1 Ibid., p.156.
    2 Ibid., p.170.
    4 Ibid., p.174.
    5 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅱ, p.932.
    6 Liebeschuetz,J. H. W. G. Barbarians and bishops:Army, church and state in the age ofArcadius and Chrysostom, pp.210-211.
    7 Vasiliev, A.A. History of the Byzantine Empire:324-1453, vol.Ⅰ, p.99.
    2 Sterk. Andrea. Renouncing the world yet leading the church:The monk-bishop in late antiquity, p.146.
    3 Bury, J.B. History of the later Roman empire:From the death of Theodosius I to the death of Justinian, vol. Ⅰ,pp.141-142.
    4 Vasiliev. A.A. History of the Byzantine Empire:324-1453. vol.Ⅰ,p.97.
    1 Jones, A.H.M. The decline of the ancient world, pp.349-350.
    3 Runciman, Steven Byzantine Civilisation, London:Edward Arnold (Publishers) LTD.,1959, pp.223-224.
    1 Ostrogorsky, George. History of the Byzantine State, p.43.
    3 Lindsay,Jack Byzantium into Europe, p.68.
    4中外学者涉及这一问题的专著和论文数量可谓汗牛充栋,关于君士坦丁一世基督教政策的影响,学者们意见基本一致,争论主要在于其采取保护和支持基督教政策的原因,在此择其要者略举一二。英国罗马史学家琼斯认为在分析君士坦丁一世支持基督教的原因时应对其个人信仰给以重视(Jones, A. H. M. The Late Roman Empire (284-602), Vol.Ⅰ, pp.80-97);罗斯托夫采夫则认为“君士坦丁最根本的动机还是从国家角度来考虑问题的”(Rostovtzeff, M. The Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire, Vol. Ⅰ. p.509);南斯拉夫拜占廷学专家奥斯特洛格尔斯基认为在分析这一问题时应该同时注意政治目标和个人信仰因素,但认为政治因素是决定性的(Ostrogorsky, George. History of the Byzantine State, pp.43;参见该书中译本《拜占廷帝国》,第34-35页);美国学者卡梅伦观点与奥斯特洛格尔斯基相似(Cameron, Averil. The Late Roman Empire (AD.284-430), pp.47-65)。在国内学者中,陈志强教授认为君士坦丁一世作为一名精明的政治家,推行政策时必然首先从政治角度考虑问题,并对君士坦丁一世基督教政策的政治动因进行了全面细致地分析(陈志强:《拜占延学研究》,笫]37-158页);徐家玲教授则就公元313年“米兰敕令”颁布的背景进行了论述,认为“它是对基督教产生以来,罗马帝国对基督教政策的最后总结和升华”(徐家玲:《拜占庭文明》,第328页)。
    2Ostrogorsky,George. History of the Byzantine State, p.43.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.6.
    5 Eusebius:The Church History,8.7, p.295.
    7 Eusebius:The Church History,8.17, p.313.
    8 Eusebius:Life of Constantine,Ⅰ.13-17, pp.74-76.
    9 Eusebius:The Church History,10.5, pp.360-361.
    3Zosimus,New History.2.13,p.30.
    2 Treadgold, Warren. Byzantium and its army 284-1081, pp.44-45.
    4 Eusebius:Life of Constantine,Ⅰ.31, pp.81-82.
    6 Macmullen, Ramsay. Christianizing the Roman Empire (A. D.100-400), p.48.
    7 Eusebius:The Church History,8.14, p.309.
    8 Theophanes, The Chronicle of Theophanes Confessor:Byzantine and near Eastern History (AD 284-813), p.25
    1 Eusebius:The Church History,,pp.309-310,pp.321-329.
    2 Eusebius:Life ofConstantine,Ⅰ.33-36,pp.82-83.
    3 Eusebius:The Church History,8.13,p.308.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.3-4.
    6 Eusebius, The Church History,10.9, pp.369-371. Eusebius. Life of Constantine,2.15-18. pp.100-101. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.7.
    7Eutropius, Historiae Romanae Breviarum. X.5. Zosimus. New History,2.18.1. p.32.
    10 Jones, A. H. M. The later Roman empire284-602. Vol.Ⅰ. p.81.
    1 Ibid., p.82.
    2 Odahl, Charles Maston. Conslantine and the Christian Empire, New York:Routledge,2004, p.2.
    3 Ibid., pp.162-165.
    5 Eusebius, Life of Constanline,3.25-43, pp.132-138; 3.50, pp.140-141.
    6 Zosimus, New History,2.31, p.38.
    10 Zosimus, New History,4.36.4, p.87.
    3 Zosimus,New History,2.29. p.36.
    1 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.10.1, p.472.
    2 Ibid.,16.10.3, p.472.
    3Ibid.,16.10.8, p.473.
    4 Ibid.,16.10.15, p.474.
    5 Ibid.,16.10.18,p.475.
    6 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.5-6.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅰ.6.
    1 Ibid.,I.7.
    2 Eusebius. Life of Constantine,Ⅱ.65.2,p.116.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅱ.69.2,p.117.
    4Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.7.
    5 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.8. Eusebius. Life of Constantine,Ⅲ.4. p.122.
    6 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.8. Eusebius. Life of Constantine,Ⅲ.13-14,pp.126-127.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅰ.27. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.22.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.35. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.28. Theodoret,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.29,31.
    1 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.22-23. Athanasius,"Apologia Contra Arianos", in Athanasius, Select Works and Letters,51-56, pp.127-130. 参见Barnes. Timothy D. Athanasius and Constantius:Theology and Politics in the Constantinian Empire,London. England and Cambridge. Massachusetts:Harvard University Press, 1993, p.63.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅳ.13,20.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅳ.1.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅴ.11.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅳ.30.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅴ.7,Ⅶ.29.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅰ.3,16-18
    2 Ibid.,Ⅱ.11,13.
    3 Ibid.,Ⅲ.12-13.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅳ.2,9,15-17,21,24
    5 Ibid.,Ⅴ.7,16,20,
    6 Ibid.,Ⅵ.8,
    7 Ibid.,Ⅶ.31,34.
    1 Macmullen, Ramsay. Christianizing the Roman Empire (A. D.100-400). pp.52-54.
    2Pharr,Clyde. translated. The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.5.1. p.450.
    3 Ibid.,16.5.16, p.453.
    4 Ibid.,16.5.21, p.454.
    5 Ibid.,16.5.25, p.454.
    6 Ibid.,16.5.29,p.455.
    7 Ibid.,16.5.42,p.457.
    1 Ibid.,16.5.49, p.459.
    2以多纳图斯命名的一个分离派别,诞生于公元4世纪初的北非。在戴克里先时期,一些教士和信徒向政府屈服,君士坦丁一世上台后,这些教士和信徒想回到教会,但受到先以马约里努斯(Majorinus)、后以多纳图斯(Donatus Magnus)为首的一派激烈反对,认为前述向政府屈服的教士与信徒是“背教者”,最终多纳图斯派另立主教与正统教会抗衡,宣称他们是唯一真正的的教会,在公元4至5世纪兴盛一时,直至穆斯林征服北非时才绝迹。参见(美)威利斯顿·沃尔克:《基督教会史》,第131-132页。
    3 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.5.52, p.459.
    4 Ibid.,16.5.63, p.462.
    5 Ibid.,16.5.65, pp.462-463.
    6 Ibid.,16.5.66, p.463.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.27.
    9 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.5.7, p.451.
    10 Ibid.,16.5.18, pp.453-454.
    11 Ibid.,16.9.1-5, pp.471-472.
    12 Ibid.,16.8.7, pp.467-468.
    13 Ibid.,16.8.24,p.470.
    14 Ibid.,16.10.7,p.473.
    15 Ibid.,16.10.10, p.473.
    1 Ibid.,16.10.12,pp.473-474.
    2 Ibid.,16.10.14,p.474.
    3 Ibid.,16.10.19, p.475.
    4 Ibid.,16.10.21,pp.475-476.
    5 Ibid.,16.10.22,p.476.
    6 Ibid.,16.7. 1,p.465.
    7 Ibid.,16.7.2-4,pp.465-466.
    8 Ibid.,16.7.5,p.466.
    9 Ibid.,16.7.7, pp.466-467
    10 Ibid.,12.1.50,p.349.
    11 Bowersock,G. W. Julian the Apostate, p.74.
    12 Pharr,Clyde. translated. The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,5.13.3,p.112.
    13 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.13.
    14 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.5.
    15 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical Histon,Ⅲ.13. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.17-18. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.3-4,8.
    1 Jones, A. H. M. The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, p.122.
    2 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.4. Jones, A. H. M The Later Roman Empire 284-602, Vol.Ⅰ, pp. 122-123.
    4 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.5.4, p.450.
    5 Ibid.,16.5.5, pp.450-451.
    6 Ibid.,16.5.6, p.451.
    1 Ibid.,16.5.8, p.452.
    2 Ibid.,16.5.11,p.452.
    3 Ibid.,16.5.12, pp.452-453.
    4 Ibid.,16.5.13-15. p.453; 16.5.20,p.454.
    5 Ibid.,16.5.19,p.454.
    6 Ibid.,16.5.22,p.454.
    7 Ibid.,16.5.23,p.454.
    8 Ibid.,16.5.30,p.455.
    9 Ibid.,16.5.34,pp.455-456.
    10 Ibid.,16.5.43,p.458.
    11 Ibid.,16.5.51,p.459.
    12 Ibid.,16.5.58,p.461.
    13 Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.13,16,27.
    14 Ibid.,Ⅳ.2.
    15 Ibid.,Ⅳ.9.
    1 Pharr, Clyde. translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.5.4, p.450.
    2 Ibid.,16.5.7, pp.451-452.
    3 Ibid.,16.5.11.p.452.
    4 Ibid.,16.5.35, p.456.
    5 Ibid.,16.5.62, p.462.
    6 Ibid.,16.5.64, p.462.
    7 Ibid.,16.8.18, p.469.
    8 Ibid.,16.8.27, p.471.
    9 Ibid.,16.10.2, p.472.
    10 Ibid.,16.10.4, p.472.
    11 Ibid.,16.10.6, pp.472-473.
    12 Ibid.,16.10.7, p.473.
    13 Ibid.,16.10.9-13, pp.473-474; 16.10.16, pp.474-475; 16.10.25, p.476.
    14 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.18-19. Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅴ.19. Theodoret, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.6-7.
    15麦克穆伦认为,法律在执行过程中可能由于晚期罗马帝国时期政府上下各级官员贪污腐化成性、以权谋私成风而未能得以有效贯彻,参见Macmullen, Ramsay. Christianity and Paganism in the Fourth to Eighth Centuries, p.21. Macmullen, Ramsay. Corruption and the Decline of Rome, New Haven and London:Yale University Press,1988, p.170除了麦克穆伦所言官员腐败的因素之外,由于缺乏现代交通、通讯和信息等科技,晚期罗马帝国或早期拜占廷帝国皇帝及其直接管理下的中央政府对其广阔帝国各个行省、城市、乡村的事务无法实现如现代社会那样巨细靡遗式的控制,拜占廷帝国的皇权虽在不断加强,但由于技术水平的限制,与现代国家相比,是具有时代给予它的局限性的,这可能也是法律无法有效落实的一个重要原因。
    1Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.8. Marasco, Gabriele. Greek and Roman Historiography in Late Antiquity, Leiden·Boston:Brill,2003, p.230.
    2 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.25-26.
    3 Ibid., Ⅳ.1.
    4 Ibid.,Ⅴ.20.
    5 Ibid.,Ⅶ.12.29,41-42.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅱ.9-10,16,27-28,38.
    7 Ibid.,Ⅳ.2,15-18.21-22.24.
    8 Ibid.,Ⅲ.15,19.
    9 Urbainczyk, Theresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, p.149.
    10 Urbainczyk, Theresa. Socrates of Constantinople:Historian of Church and State, pp.146-147
    1Pharr, Clyde, translated, The Theodosian Code and Novels and the Sirmondian Constitutions,16.10.25, p.476.
    2 Geffcken, Johannes. The Last Days of Greco-Roman Paganism, pp.169-170.
    3 Sozomen, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅷ.23. Palladius, The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, pp.81-82.
    4 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History, Ⅱ.27-28,38.
    5 Ibid., Ⅳ.21-22,25.
    6 MacMullen, Ramsay. Christianizing the Roman Empire, pp.88.
    7 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.38,42.
    8 Julian, The Works of the Emperor Julian, Vol.Ⅲ, Letter 21, pp.61-63. Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅲ.
    1 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅱ.13.
    2 Ibid.,Ⅱ.37.
    3Sozomen. The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.15. Geffcken. Johannes. The Last Davs of Greco-Roman Paganism, p. 173.
    4 Socrates. The Ecclesiastical History. Ⅵ.16. Palladius. The Dialogue of Palladius Concerning the Life of Chrysostom, p.73.
    5 Socrates, The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅶ.16.
    6 Ibid.,Ⅶ.45.
    1 Ibid.,Ⅶ.48.
    1Socrates,The Ecclesiastical History,Ⅰ.2-3.
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