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Currently,in teaching of our primary and secondary schools .All the schools put a large number of manpower, material resources and fiscal into the building of teaching resources, it has also made a lot of achievements. However, there still many practical problems. Many schools have a multitude computer display. How to evaluate the teaching resource becomes the focus of this study.
     The author based XuZhou high school as an example, through questionnaires to understand the present question. The current prevalence of multi-media teaching is only as a mean of multi-media teaching to alternatives traditional teaching methods. It cannot highlight the advantages of multi-media teaching, and its effect is not ideal, too. The fundamental reason is lack a scientific and reasonable evaluation system. It cannot determinate, measure and judgment objectively. Usually we put modern teaching indicator to traditional teaching evaluation index system. This evaluation index system does not reflect the essential characteristics of multi-media teaching, unable to provide valuable advice to teachers.
     From the perspective of science, we study multi-media teaching as a system. Discussing the elements and their interaction, and building multi-media teaching evaluation index system. In the evaluation, we have the basis of modern teaching theory, and teaching practical problems. We evaluate multimedia teaching from the courseware, the multimedia teaching process and effect. In the process of evaluation, we pay attention to experts, teachers, and students. We look evaluation as a dynamic and continuous process to ensure its objectivity and impartiality and to promote the common development of teachers and students. The teaching resource is also effectively utilized. Finally, we carried out the summary in a timidly manner, improve and revise, and make some constructive suggestions.
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