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Technology innovation is the main source of economic growth as well as an important way of promoting the international competivity and continuous development of industry.Since China has joined to the WTO and brings its economy more in line with international practice, the development of industry steps into a new stage.The international competivity of industry will mainly depend on the ability of technology innovation which is measured by its economic efficiency.
    This paper choose the automobile industry, the representation of technology innovation in China, as my research model. First, taking measures by input and output of the technology innovation,by dint of the DEA/PCA model of performance appraisement, also and bring to bear techno-target of unfinance, the technology innovation performance of auto-industrial estimate validity is studied, and then projection of practice production frontier plane of the auto-industrial achieved in china is measured, at last, the influence cause of the technology innovation performance of the auto-industrial including industrial organization, corporation system and market structure is analysized.
    This paper offers a methodology, an index system and an assessment model of valuating the efficiency of technology innovation.Through the research we come to a conclusion that (l)The Chinese automobile industry hairs too many einpktyeeswoh^irig on Ifae production line but ignores the part of R&D which results in a low efficiency of productioa(2)The automobile industry has little achievement in technology innovation and is uncompetitive in international market But the growing investment and output of technology innovation indicate that the innovation system has started to work.(3)There are two ways of improving the technology innovation in the automobile industry: one is the model of shanghai automotive co.JJd, It has a higher startpoint and more
    investment to indigenze the imported technology so that it can cacth up with the international technology innovation.The other is the model of Faw car co.,Ltd, It invests a huge amount of resources to fuel the technology innovation and develop a national auto industry having its own intellectual rights. All the models, index systems and methodologies applied here are also suitable for the assessments of efficiency of technology innovation in a wide range of industries in China.
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