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     义逼夕,MASI‘ER’5 Tl zEs一s
With the arrival of knowledge economy times the talents that society needs has changed into the type of ability from the type of knowledge. Obviously the change gives higher request for education especially the basic education. For a long time in our teaching there are many problems for students which can't go with the development of the times more and more, such as the lack of creative spirit, poor experience ability, single and passive method of study and negative feeling. Now we working in the basic education must meet and study an important subject, which is how to reform traditional teaching and improve educational quality in order to make the talents who are cultivated in education meet the request of knowledge economy society.
    Since the 1980's the teaching model of "problem-solving" has taken an important place in science teaching abroad. It's aiming at giving play to students' personality, leading students to get the thoughts and methods of solving problems, cultivating students' creativity and improving the level of student' ability to study. Guide by this, absorbing the teaching thought of Constructivism, using the way of Inquiry Learning for reference, a new lively model of teaching, "Problem-Inquiry", appears in the teaching innovation. In this model, with the ties of problems, students can improve their intelligence and ability through high level thinking in the process of raising and solving problems. The knowledge economy times has special request for talents, which decides the object of the teaching reform: we must give full play to subjective initiative, attach importance to the teaching process and cultivate creativity; we must make students learn to study, think and create. The "Problem-Inquiry" model
    can just reach the object.
    At present, in our country there is more study of theory and less of practice about this model. So in the teaching reform it's very necessary to study "Problem-Inquiry" model from theory to practice systematically.
    This paper makes systematic study on "Problem-Inquiry" model in high school physics teaching by the means of documents analysis, teaching experiment, questionnaire investigation and interview. This paper includes 3 parts. The first part makes a detailed exposition on "Problem-Inquiry" model in the aspects of historical origins, connotation, theoretical basis, operation programme, evaluation system and implementation conditions etc. In accordance with the different characteristics and requests of theoretical, experimental, exercises lessons, the second part illustrates how carry out "Problem-Inquiry" model respectively using The Motion of Level Projectile, Determine Acceleration of Gravity With Single Pendulum, The Motion Question of Pursuit and Meeting as living examples. On the base of theoretical study, I make contrast experiment for half a year. In the third part, I make investigation and statistical analysis on the experimental effect of "Problem-Inquiry" model and reach a reliable conclusion: by using "Problem-Inquiry" model, students can be effectively improved in the ability of analyzing and solving problems, studying independently, and creating.
    In this paper, the study on "Problem-Inquiry" model has certain reference value for how to reform traditional teaching pattern, effectively improve teaching effect in class and educational quality.
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