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  • 英文题名:The Development of the Collegial Curriculum in the Coming Creative Times
  • 副题名:以综合性大学本科课程为例
  • 英文副题名:Taking Comprehensive University as an Example
  • 作者:周海涛
  • 论文级别:博士
  • 学科专业名称:高等教育学
  • 学位年度:2002
  • 导师:薛天祥
  • 学科代码:040106
  • 学位授予单位:华东师范大学
  • 论文提交日期:2002-05-01
    重点进行深入分析、理解和把握。 课程评价方面,现行课程实施效果在质和量之间出现
The DeveloPment of the Collegial CurriculUm in the Coming Creative TAnes
    --Wg comPrehensive talversity as an examPle
    As the proclamation signed in the First Worid Higher Education Convention
    snys, higher education is faCing great chailenges, and shoLild be underoing an
    Wecedented reformaton. The core content, as everyone knows, is the
    develOPmen of the collegial cdriculum. The thesis Which comPoses of 4 partS,
    taking comPrehenSive talversity as an examPle, from the PersPectives of
    historical & realishc, intemaional & local, theorehcal & factuaI, beginS with the
    very cwhculurn, exploring what challenges the collegial cwhculum would face
    and reaction it shOuId take in the coming creative tAnes.
    The Part One, including the Preface and ChaPter One, is the theoretical research
    of the thesis. The Preface announces the background, siedficance, conten and
    methods of the research. The ChaPer One firsly reviews the three ldnds of
    definihons in the develoPmen history of cwhculum, Which are SUbect, plare aim
    and exPerience. Secondly it differentiates cwhcultun and teaChing two closely
    related definihons, deflnes the relaton between cwhculum and teaching even
    formal schooling. ttirdly, the thesis analyses the Ptaltical meanings of differnt
    cwhculum dedrihons states my own preliminary recognition of cwhcultnn.
    After tha, the thesis reviews the concemed vieWPoints in China edUcaon
    acMc commwi, deduces the meaning of collegial cwhculum. At IaSt. it
    summarizes the elements of aim, content, bolemnt and evalUation in the
    collegial system. On the bases oftha, the mper fonns the fraIne of thes research.
    The ChaPter Two is the Part Two, Which is a comParallve research. In thes part,
    we choose three twotw and rePresentative coUntries----United States,
    GW and JaPan as object anaiyalng their cwhculum deveOPmnt histmp By
    Statin their realistic curriculUm situations, we can the the commn deVefoing
    trend, which can be used as drir to underSha and recogniz the coturn
    reform in the following chaPter
    The ChaPter Three is the Part Thre, which is a realistic research. in thes part,
    we My state the alin, method and scope of investigation. Theq on the baSes of
    ChaPter TwO, we analyze the basic information of the three comPrehensive
    talversihes menhoned above. cheCldng the reallstic fact behin the inveedgating
    questionnair, and unveiling the etisting problert tO dri, the cUrren
    cwhculim attahes nylch attention to co~on. overiooking process, methd,
    hUInan sensibility and vaiues, the aim is tOO anw and alien. As tO cowt they
    have less novelty hUman art training, and are short of Pratical bowedge and
    basic methods. As to the arrangement of the content some basic reIations havn't
    been adjusted, and the syStem and manner of schooling are too inflexible. As to
    the oplementaion of the cwhculum, there is an urgent need to recogh the
    essence of the bolementaton of the cwhculum, tO reanalyze and understand ail
    the strOngPoint and shortco!ning of the methods. As to the evaluation of
    cwhculurn, there is a warp betWeen the quality and quanhty and the evaluation
    itSelf, short of diversifi 7ation, needs to be Undergone a makeuP. All of thes forms
    the base of the ChaPter Fong Five and Six.
    Pat Four consists of the ChaPer Four Five and Six. ms part, based on the
    fonner three chaPters, is the coUnermeasur research, trying tO bring foed
    Sultable suggestion. ChaPtr Four firstiy exPlains the contemporary commn
    natUr ----the need of iImovation---- from perspective views of SOcial
    develoPment, knOwledge evo1uton and hUman reaiiZaion. Secondiy, by
    annotatin the concePt of innovation and its meedng in education, this chaPter
    sets uP the new cwhculUm aim, Which is tO cultivate the creative hUman. At lan,
    the chaPter briefly discusses the twin concePts such as SUbect & object,
    stabilization & risk-ness, freedom & despotism, corporation & comPetition. fair &
    efficiency, name & matter singleness & various-ness, persistence & develOPment,
    close & openness. ChaPter Fh
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