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Thanksgiving is not only the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, but also mankind’s common outstanding quality of life. However, nowadays with the development of market economy and the impact of foreign cultural diversity, it doesn’t seem to be too much to pass on. The students’thanksgiving consciousness is becoming less important or even dies out. They do not know how to thank, not grateful, and will not be moved. And the social consciousness that they should give back to society becomes weak. Therefore, the leaders of CPC and educators call on the whole society to strengthen teenagers’ideological and moral construction. In 2005, the document“CPC central committee and the State Council called for the strengthening ideological and moral construction”was issued, as well as in the autumn of that year, the Shanghai Municipal Education Commission launched the third edition of“Middle School Students’Code”, in which“Learning to be grateful”was written for the first time. A new round of the curriculum reform to cultivate students also gives top priority to the personality, making every middle school students be grateful to learn and understand. Thanksgiving is not a great benefit to the perfect personality for students, the happiness for families and even social harmony. We should vigorously promote. As the humanities, language subjects in the education of students has the greatest advantage. So, I do a deep study and explore how to conduct thanksgiving education in the teaching of Chinese.
     There are several parts of this thesis.
     Introduction contains the presentation, contents, significance, methods of Gratitude Education, and the present situation and its limitation.
     The first part states the causes lacking gratitude education, by investigating and analyzing the situation of Gratitude Education in the subject of Chinese in junior middle schools. The causes refer to the“one child”policy; the negative effects of society environment and market economy on students ;“heavy intellectual instruction, light moral education”such an education situation in schools; the shortage of home education and the low statue of Chinese learning in all subjects of junior middle schools.
     The second part contains the definitions of Gratitude, Gratitude Education , and Chinese Gratitude Education ; tells the characteristics of Gratitude Education; makes the goals of Gratitude Education in chinese learning in junior middle schools; states the necessity of the mixture between Gratitude Education and Chinese teaching. The content of Gratitude Education is made clear in this part, especially in comparing traditional Gratitude Education with modern Gratitude Education, and in stating the Gratitude Education in foreign countries and in HongKong, Taiwan, hoping to get some valuable experience from the development of Gratitude Education.
     Part three seeks the theory to support gratitude education in middle school Chinese curriculum under the New Curriculum Standard and also analyzes the contents of gratitude education in middle school Chinese teaching materials.
     Part four explores the methods of how to carry out gratitude education during practical Chinese teaching and makes it clear that middle school Chinese teachers can develop students’consciousness of being grateful by excavating the important resources about gratitude education in Chinese textbooks, and promoting students’emotion towards gratitude during the process of teaching reading, writing and spoken language communication. Also, teachers can make full use of the extracurricular teaching resources to explore and practise, deepen gratitude education.
     Part five gives some suggestions about the content and arrangements of Chinese textbooks to Chinese teachers in the process of carrying out gratitude education in middle school curriculum.
     The creative point of this thesis is: after aborbing the fruit of others’research, the writer explores a way for thanksging education from the point of chinese course. When expouding the contents of thanksging, the writer explores the contents of thanksgiving of ancient times and modern times, forein countries, Hong Kong and Taiwan in system. The writer analyses the change of thanksging contents. The writer also analyses the resources of thanksgiving edacation in Chinese course and gives some suggestions to carry out the thanksgiving education in Chinese class. At last, according to the writer’own Chinese teaching practice, the writer gives some advice on the contents of Chinese textbook, Chinese tescher and implement procedures.
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