基于Web Services的档案管理系统
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随着信息时代的到来,互联网在我国得到迅速发展,越来越多的机构在Internet上建立了自己的站点,提供网络信息服务,人们也越来越习惯于直接从网络上获取自己所需要的资料。Web Services是未来数字化档案的主要服务方式之一,在电子档案时代如何更好、更有效、更安全地提供Web Serrices,将成为档案信息服务的研究方向。
     4.使用ASP.NET和C#实现了基Web Serrices的档案管理系统的各个功能模块。自行设计的源程序共有1,150K。
     5.对数据库安全和系统安全进行了研究,并提出了一个系统安全模型;同时还研究了如何通过配置技术来优化系统,提高系统性能。本论文的研究线路如下:首先研究基于Web Services的档案管理系统的关键技术;接着利用功能分析法和面向对象分析法对系统进行了需求分析;然后结合数据库相关理论以及学校的实际情况,进行了系统数据库的概念结构和逻辑结构设计,并对系统存储过程和.NET装配件进行了设计;接着对系统功能实现情况进行了祥细介绍,并对系统安全和性能进行了探讨;对系统进行了测试,并对系统的运行情况进行了分析,最后对论文本身作了总结,阐述了论文的工作,并指出下一步研究的方向。
With the advent of the information age, the Internet in China has developed rapidly; more and more institution established its own Internet site, providing network information services. It is also increasingly used directly from the network they need access to information. Web services are the future of digital archives of one of the main ways. In Digital Archives Times how to better, more effective and more secure delivery of Web services will become the archives information services research.
     The main contribution of this thesis includes:
     1. Survey the current archives management and research harvests internationally;
     2. Built the system's requirement models by used of function analysis method and based on the contents and characteristics of teachers' business archives management. And study object modeling of AMS by UML and OO techniques.
     3. Study the issue that how to use the components techniques. A large number of components is developed and applied in the system.
     4. Based on the previous model, design the system structure and all the sub-models; a prototype of AMS is implemented based on Web Services, ASP.NET and C#. All the codes written by myself are almost 1,150K.
     5. Study the database and system's security techniques, present a model system security. Research how to optimize the system by the allocation techniques, improve system performance.
     In the thesis, the technical support of AMS with Web Services is studied and analyzed. The system's requirement analysis is carried out by use of functional analysis method and object-oriented analysis method. Then the conceptual structure and logical structure of the system's database are designed based on database theories and the practical situation of the College. The system's storage processes and the .NET assembly are also designed. Then the system's fuctional realization is introduced, and the system's security and performance are discussed. The system is tested; the system's operation is analyzed. Finally, the thesis does the summary to itself, elaborate the work of the thesis, and point out the direction of further research.
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