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From the early period humanism educators in the Renaissance to the modern time scholars Rousseau, Pestalozzi, Peer Fu-Lu to 19th century end American educators that is represented by Dewey ,they all advocated and put forward the“activity teaching thoughts”and“activity teaching curriculum”theory on respect for the individuality of children in teaching. These theories, at that time ,effectively promote the launching of a new education campaign. The“activity teaching curriculum”that we began to use in the early 1990s is the innovation and the development to the useful points and discarding to the useless to Dewey’s theory, new activity course and original the course became complement to each other.
     This text hold the point that to implement language activity course in the existing senior high school Chinese course system is an effective way to makes up the student's language accomplishment and to innovate course mode. This text attempts to define senior Chinese“activity course”like this: A series of new pattern Chinese course which was implemented in the stage of senior high school ; based on students’needs, capacities and interests; a course that is centred on the students’activities, to improve the attainment in learning this language and gain the direct experience and instant access to information, which leads to increasing the student’s interest in Chinese learning, intelligence and personality development; a course to cultivate the spirit of innovation and the capacity to practice.
     This paper is divided into four chapters: Chapter 1 discusses the theoretical background on implementation of senior Chinese activities curriculum; Chapter 2 focus on the theoretical basis and the sense of the times in the implementation of activities in senior Chinesecourses; Chapter 3 inquires into the essential of senior high school Chinese activity course from the piont of practical operation and moreover clearly defines its position in the senior high school Chinese course system. Chapter 4 takes the resources characteristics and the process characteristics of senior high school Chinese course as the basises, designs the senior high school plan for Chinese activity course which is mainly composed of design, carry out and evaluation; discuss the target, contents of the course, and also expounds contents choice and course type and way of implement to this course and at the same time,pointing out the meaning, function, principle, solutions, tool and methods of course evaluation. To avoid this research of thesis become phrasemongering, the author has designed activity type and all kinds of tools,forms for the course evaluation according to the senior Chinese activity course implementation process which possess strong practicability and operabilities. This is key part of the thesis about creative research which aims at senior Chinese course. The conclusion part put forwards a summary and the outlook of research.
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