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In Chinese Language teaching, composition teaching is an important part of it. These years, further more has made some exploration for the composition teaching reform from many ways, and there is much development accordingly. Especially in recent years, under the influence of“Structure Building”of study theory, implementing "new courses reform" of basic teaching and teaching in senior high school, language teachers have been greatly focusing on the subjective action of students and doing lots of research. However, one important thing in teacher’s crucial function must be embodied in order to put all factors of student’s subjectivity founding and development into reasonable configuration.
     Based on the newest education thoughts, teaching method and corresponding study theory, the paper mainly discusses the predominant function of teachers in subjectivity of composition teaching. With much scientific research and teaching practice, the active exploration for composition teaching would improve student’s writing ability in senior high school.
     This paper includes five parts as follow:
     In the first part, I summarize the meaning, factors and characteristics of“subjectivity composition teaching”, and also the function of teachers’guidance, in order to explain the necessity of teachers’guidance for improving students’subjective consciousness, abilities and personality.
     In the second part, I analyze the situation of Chinese composition teaching in high schools. In nowadays composition teaching, students’subjectivity is absent, and teachers’guidance is missing. The main causes of the situation are the eagerness for quick success and instant benefits, unilateral focus on the university-entering rate, Chinese teachers’lack of modern education ideas, and the unsound evaluation system for Chinese teachers.
     In the third part, I provide the theory foundation for teachers’guidance function in subjective composition teaching: the study theory of structuralism, the requirement of the new teaching tenets and course reform, and the new relationship between teachers and students of innovative education theory.
     In the fourth part, I examine the values of teachers’guidance in subjective composition teaching. For students, it is helpful for developing their subjectivity and individual creativity; for teachers, it is helpful for changing their ideas about composition teaching, reducing their burdens, and encouraging their initiative.
     In the fifth part, I explore the concrete realization of teachers’guidance function in subjectivity composition teaching. This is the main part of the paper and includes the contents and the actions of teachers’guidance.
     The contents of teachers’guidance include collection of composition materials, distillation of composition content, polish of draft, and cultivation of sound thinking custom.
     The actions of teachers’guidance include stimulating students’writing interest and encourage their initiative and creativity by ways of supposing situations, cultivating sensations, creating desires, and developing self-confidence. Changing composition teaching model: exerting students’subjectivity, stimulating their interest of study. Keeping the consistency of students’subjectivity, developing students’ability of self-examination, self-correction, and self-improvement, helping student grasp how to study.
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